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Cod Hauler

Cod Hauler (4/6)



  1. derek

    Stolen Engines

    Porthcawl are an agent who Brian uses i us Oconner & Co who are also an agent the actual insurance company are Haven knox Johnson you can get a quote on line, which i have just done and it is slighty dearer than my agent. We had good meeting with the appointed asser who took all our details and a statement . We await the outcome, they wait for a month to see if the property reappears Cheers derek
  2. derek

    Stolen Engines

    If you go onto stolen boats web site you can see both engines Derek
  3. Hi all Just to make you aware i had my 90hp Suzuki stolen off my boat last night from Rockley Boat Park, Brian also had his 70hp Suzuki stolen, plus a further five engines taken the boat park have pictures on cctv which the police have taken away. Police think it is a gang operating throught the uk So we need to be extra security aware They did not take my 4hp Mercury So if any body hears of a 90 or 70 Suzuki going cheap give us a call Cheers Derek
  4. Yes thanks guys had the ad changed after robs comment Derek
  5. derek

    Sea Sparkle

    Moving Back to Leicestershire to be near children and grand children So will become a fly fisherman again and a grockle sea fisherman Call if you need more details Derek
  6. Thanks for the info very helpful Derek
  7. Hi all Can any body help I have someone interested in buying my boat but he needs to know what moorings are availible at Christchurch before he decides . Any help types of moorings availible and who to contact would be great heip Many Thanks Derek Sea Sparkle
  8. Left Cobbs in tandem with Megabite tried several favorite spots in the Harborough no luck with flat fish, Diane caught small Bass and Wrasse I caught nothing but beautiful day.
  9. Neal - Court Jester plus crew TBA MegaBytre - Brian, Mark, + junior members Thomas and Tamzin (weather permitting) Alfresco - Charlie, Dan, Will and Ben Kind of Magic-Allan and Coddy (weather permitting Serenity - Tony & Martin Sea Sparkle Derek Diane Edited by Brian, for Derek (My IT Challenged friend!!!!!)
  10. Many happy returns Charlie HAVE A GOOD ONE Cheers Derek
  11. Well done we were out from 11.ooam to 4.00 pm one plaice of Durley Chine
  12. Happy Birthday Martin Have a good one Derek
  13. derek


    Hi Thomas When you fished with me and Grandad you put us all to shame with your Plaice catch caught on our secret spot !!, hope you will come out again soon with Grandad as long as he does not put a jinks on the trip and he can get permission from Grandma see you soon Derek
  14. derek

    Solar energy

    Give Barden Batteries a call they do all types of marine etc phone number on our web site as battery supplier, if problem give me a call i will speak to Phil Tart he is there sales guy old sales manager of mine Derek Sea Sparkle 07932 161016
  15. Dave what is the price each not per 10
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