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Everything posted by cullodon

  1. fishing aquaintance of mine has asked if anyone in the club is interested in a stormguard dry suit -large in good condition
  2. option 3 for me if its weaned off government support it might develope proper teeth
  3. hi all just to confirm that fat chance with brian ,myself and chris will be going . been a bit busy !! but we alright now -i hope aplogies if its already been discussed in this thread(i did speed read it a bit tending to concentrate on catching methods etc) but are we meeting at a local point and travelling in convoy? tony
  4. weathers looking more promising but because of the uncertainty things have developed on the domestic front !!! so ive got to give it a miss sorry guys tony
  5. I'll be there with brian + on fat chance .weather permitting forcast is not good and I'm not that keen on the race on a calm day!! tony
  6. hi charlie, its TONY i also used the link on the excel form so ive re-sent to wchapman--etc also booking in for the ray(no livebait!!) and f/f comp (myself and brian) tony
  7. hi martin ive just picked up on this thread.i'd like 4 boxes if its still poss cheers tony
  8. thanks for the input everyone i originally thought that a pretty bankside mooring would encourage the missus to enjoy the boat more often (no more straining and foul language when launching) but the downside is growing daily.like can you refueleasily afloat in xchurch tony
  9. ive been offered a bankside mooring at tuckton(after a years wait) but im having serious misgivings about it now . does any member moor there? is vandalism and theft rife? will it be any easier than trailering your opinions are sought oh yes and is the fishing any better off xchurch(than poole) tony
  10. ok i contacted the guy ,david, today. he will charge
  11. sorry i havnt got back to you ref the course but the power supply t to my modem went kaputt on thurs swiftly followed by both my cars- hench no boat towing-therefore no fishing the weekend. i will contact the guy again and come back with all facts tomorrow i hope (i'm locked in battle with the local renault dealer at present0 tony
  12. will myself and brian are about to do a vhf course icontacted a guy in poole who said if i could get another one or two people he could get the price down to
  13. 2packs of each svp tony
  14. cullodon


    kim ashley bearings or any bearing stockist will have a range of loctite type products(anerobics or aerobics -but get it right ).there is one designed for gap filling in situations like yours. used it once to good effect on a huge guillotine flywheel tony
  15. paul fat chance (provisional) is a Raider 18 tony
  16. im unsure at the moment. but i'll be there if i can .but im not up to buddying a burnhamese tony
  17. just you and me then coddy btw ive got another 120 metres of it going very cheeeep tony
  18. going out of site of land scary!! but i'd be up for it --weather permitting as adam says f1/2-- it would be a good warm up for x channel!!! tony
  19. sorry but i seem to have missed out on discussions vis a vis nylon and polyprop i read that they are both reasonably uv resistnt both stretch well but the poly is usually rougher to the touch and nylon sinks in our terms whart does this mean . or am i stirring up old grounds
  20. try here for rope http://www.ropesandtwines.com i wanted 12mm nylon but they were out of stock so i bought 13mm poly seems ok but ive not tried nylon so perhaps im easily pleased tony
  21. whose round is it???
  22. ive just got a laptop working as a gps navigator so what co-ordinates are this bream hole ???.just so i can aviod the pout etc!!! i think i know where it is cos thats exactly the fish i had on the ledge sunday tony
  23. if my windscreen wiper arrives --and i fit it in time i might be out to test the bream (and the wiper and the gps and the lights and the fish finder -but not necessarily in that order!!! tony
  24. i think youve got it right adam if the brakes dont slow the trailer it bottoms out on travel. right where's the spanners tony
  25. if im not mistaken that trio is the old capri 14 nice little boat that will plane two up (in a previous life when i was 3 stone lighter) with a 20 hp tony
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