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jay kay

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Everything posted by jay kay

  1. Thanks mate, think its a plotter il try and find then.
  2. What is the differance between a gps and a plotter? I want to buy something handheld because i cant leave it on my boat, i want something i can save marks on and thing like that.
  3. Nice!! I fished from there a few years ago with a friend of my dads, only had 1 but still enjoyed it. well done.
  4. Right... think I've done it, Will update with a pic including fish when (if!!) i start catching!! Cheers
  5. Just trying to put a pic on profile now, it keeps coming back for any of the photos saying 'error- you are not allowed to upload a picture of that type for personal picture or avatar' it is just a pic off the camera and from 'my documents/pictures folder. anyone else had probs? cheers
  6. Hello i tried to put a pic on last night but it wouldnt allow it i will try again tonight though.
  7. Im a member now, i went to the meet yesterday. I have several reasons for joining the first is to be honest i know next to nothin about boats and very little about fishing from them! I want to learn and be safe. Also id like to meet other people who have the same interests. I will get involved when ever i can and with what ever i can. Hope to meet you all soon.
  8. Thanks for all your comments, iv been put off im going to leave re-naming for a while! I will get in contact with elite for the lettering though.
  9. I would like to re-name my boat but have been warned that its unlucky! What do think? Also who can i get to do the wording? Thanks.
  10. Hello, so I took all of your advice and joined as I have just bought a boat so fairly new to boat fishing. I paid via paypal on Saturday night but havn't recieved any email or anything apart from a paypal reciept, do I need to fill in any forms or anything in order for membership to go through? Thanks, Jon
  11. Hi again, What do you get for being a club member? I have just tried to email for more information but the email was sent back for some reason. Going to pay via paypal later i think. Thanks
  12. And thanks maverick
  13. Thanks plaicemat. I will join and hopefully start catching!
  14. Hi alfie. my boat is a ryds 430gt, its got a 30hp johnson engine. 1st Boat nothing special! have no radio as yet i would not know what i'd need! That would be great if i could follow you out, a lot of people have warned me of the depths from cobbs where my boat is! thanks
  15. Hello. I am new to Boat fishing i've got a 14ft boat and was wondering if anyone with knowledge of poole/bournemouth would want to come out with me fishing as i am used to fishing from shore. cheers
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