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Cod Hauler

Cod Hauler (4/6)



  1. No....thank you
  2. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the clubs support. Not been on for a while due to HOW workload. Your support has lead to a very successful first full year that isn't over yet. We have taken out over 120 veterans. Several have followed our development pathway and are now fully capable independent kayak anglers with their own equipment. The HOW Team have had success in competitions and we have just been approached by one of the major military charities to look at co-operating with them in future programs. This would not have been possible without the club's help. Thank you. Paul Take a look the videos and pictures on the website www.heroesonthewater-uk.org And join us on Facebook Heroesonthewateruk.
  3. Enjoy a summary of HOW activity for April. Some great stories and half decent fish. You might find the odd club mention in there too... http://www.heroesonthewater-uk.org/kunena/welcome-mat-and-general-news/84-how-in-april-grab-a-drink-and-put-your-feet-up#113
  4. This should be fun and is easy to do.. Fancy a fun species competition any time between 16th & 22nd of June? Even if you raise a couple of pound it will make a great contribution. HOW's running this as a fun national fundraiser that will also present another excuse to go fishing. Help us achieve the HOW formula: 1 + 1 = 1 + 1. or If just 1% of anglers raise just £1 it will equal 1 years operations plus leave enough funds to start to set up one new HOW chapter. To join in take a look at: http://www.heroesonthewater-uk.org/fishathon-2014 Thank you. (again ) Paul
  5. Could have been very nasty.... well done the RNLI.
  6. In the last week thanks to the Plaice Chase and the collection you held at the AGM the club have raised enough funds to cover the costs for Heroes on the Water to operate fully for a month. A huge thank you............. again.
  7. Just wanted to say a quick thank you to Lofty and the guys from the club who organised and helped at The Plaice Chase on Saturday. Great competition and numbers were up on last year too. Well done and thanks from HOW for the funds raised.
  8. Hi Rob. Got them today. Really good quality. They are fitted and look better than the other sponsors logos. Put a couple of pics up on Facebook. Thanks for sorting this.........
  9. Looks great Rob. Havent arrived yet. Let me know when you post them. Thanks Paul
  10. Water pump bearing threw belt. Fixed now, should be collecting in the morning.... Thanks.
  11. Well thanks to all the support we have received we are now able to put a team together for most kayak angling comps. Many of our injured have given up on ever being competitive again. We can help in our own small way to give them a new opportunity. Something they take with both hands. See how TEAM HOW got on at the first team competition of the year. Thank you. http://www.heroesonthewater-uk.org/kunena/welcome-mat-and-general-news/83-team-how-wins-at-llangorse#108
  12. On about sponsors logos. I am now putting logos on the HOW van. If anyone has 2 x PBSBAC logo that can go on the van approx. 6" high x 12" wide (loosely) can you please post them to 252 Leigh Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 3AW. Thanks
  13. Ok, BFBS have released the news clip to us and it is posted on our website in all its over exposed glory. Hopefully this time you should be able to see it without any problem. Apologies for the ugliness http://www.heroesonthewater-uk.org/your-help-in-action/video-gallery/video/how-in-the-uk Thanks
  14. http://web202.ssvc.com/news/programmes/british-forces-news We did a recent news item for BFBS TV. Pretty happy with the results given we all have a good face for radio........fast forward to just after the 20 min mark. Thanks as always
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