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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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  1. The transom had been built up with a piece of 1" marine ply so the previous owner could put a 115Hp outboard on the back. So I marked out the a bit to cut away (thickness) so my 50Hp will fit. Then cut away layer by layer until it was the right thickness and fitted the outboard with the help of a friend. Oops the stirring cable did not come out in the right place so cut a bit away and got that through slid the cable through the bit it was meant to go and done up the nut, then I realised there was a bit missing! the link Steering Drag Link Bar Arm Outboard Motor Engine MERCURY 50Hp Has any one got one? Or where is the best place to get one? Tried ebay but the only one there was £3.60 but from the US. Hay that's cheap until you see the postage, you could buy about 20 more here if they were the same price here, but bet they are not? AJ
  2. aikidojohn


    No, not the type of battery the wife does to you! No, the battery that starts your outboard and runs your lights!. I just got lucky and got a car battery that is a month old for £20. But do I need two? Should I fit a split charge blocking diode, if I need two battery's? Do you have battery boxes for your battery? I have a 50Hp Mercury, does that charge the battery or do I need to charge the battery at home? Fishing over night and I can see you could well need two battery's, if only for safety. Yes, a few more daft questions! But they are only daft if you need to ask twice. AJ
  3. Many thanks Martin, I will try and get over for the rope tomorrow late afternoon if that's OK. Well I am waiting for the a delivery but if it comes in the morning then I can get over sooner. AJ
  4. The Jockey has found a new home AJ
  5. Thanks for that but she only has new ones around 13' is £14. Mind 13' I might just make up an extension for my trailer, save getting the van wet. AJ
  6. I sent you a PM
  7. I was looking at the stud, as they only need to be fitted, just before you need to use them. So could stored well and you could also have a spear leg, should one get damaged. But your way is just as good. Its getting hold of scaffold tube I find the hardest. AJ
  8. I have a nice little workshop and a quick cut and drill a few holes is not much. I have just been offered an anchor rope. So what comes around should go around. AJ
  9. Thought this might be worth putting up as a new topic or some might miss it If any one has any old scaffold pole I will cut it up and run off some grappling. 18" or 24" long with 12mm stud for grapples As long as you cover the cost of the stud nuts and any linkage just tell me how long you wont it and I will run it up for you. AJ
  10. I have just changed my Jockey wheel it was working but solid tyers and a bit light for my set up.. It is OK though so any one that wont's it, just pick it up it is yours. AJ
  11. I have a Big game and a P13 the P13 I would let go with seat rigged for anchoring paddle and a few more bits 01425 628340
  12. Well, I have just won a 7.5 Kg Bruce for £8.55 sounds cheap Hmm, well I do have to go up to Carlisle to pick it up Just under £100 each way?? Mind I am on my way up to Ayr Scotland any way in a few weeks so not so much a problem. I also won an anchor and 20' of chain in Poole that will pick up on Sunday. If any one has any old scaffold pole I will cut it up and run off some grappling. 18" or 24" long with 12mm stud for grapples As long as you cover the cost of the stud nuts and any linkage just tell me how long you wont it and I will run it up for you. AJ
  13. I have a bid on a 7.5 Bruce anchor and it looks like it will go cheap. There is a little snag it is in Carlisle! But all is not lost as I will be going up to Scotland to work soon (doing up a 200 year old farm house. 0w, I need a plasterer if you wont to come?) so I will pick up Bruce on the way as long as it stays cheap that is. I was surprised at how much chain cost. So I bit on and got a Danforth (26" long x 20" wide) style anchor with 20' of chain. I don't know if the anchor is to big or l not but the chain is what I need. If the anchor is to big for me anyone wont an anchor? lol. So it is the rope or is it warp? What type Polly Hemp Nylon or some thing different again? length is around 4 times the depth you intend to fish I get that bit. This will be up to 12 miles out around Poole mostley (this I will work up to), so a look at a chart should give me a some thing to go on.me thinks. AJ .
  14. Where is that club again AJ
  15. I thought that was the way you all did it.
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