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cth last won the day on January 11 2014

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About cth

  • Birthday 06/17/1952

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Cod Hauler

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  1. ha ha, them was the days, comp was sponsered by southern television then, shame we cant get that sort of sponsership for clubs now days. best wishes cth.
  2. i remember how proud you were to fish the final more years ago then i wish to remember., the cost is for the usall, boat,bait,prizes.
  3. not going to comment yet would rather have a plan to go with, and a agreement on what more or less suits all, lets let the thread run for a bit.
  4. Question how do we tell from non-commercial (ie us) to commercial. if we can come up with a sound idea i would be happy to talk to the SIFCA. regards Chris Holloway, Chairman of Angling Trust Wessex.
  5. Best rods for plaice and flounder,bream,bass etc, is without question is the Ulgy light spins, 9ft size catch 5lb plaice,flounder all day long, put a good spinning reel on last you years and years.
  6. Just a note to let all know that North Haven Yacht Club has a few mooring available, you will need to join the club.
  7. cth


    truth hurts, worring bit is others have been talking about you for the little one to pick that up. cant trust anybody these days. you have to get rid of the bottle now from under the van seat keeping them in brown bags is not a good place to hide them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Glad you got back ok,best traditions of the sea being helped by others, if all else fails just call the lifeboat and dont leave it to late, hope you get fixed ok. best wishes
  9. Hope you ready for lifejacket check in May ?
  10. Tie the trailer down with a chain,remove the hitch put a padlock though the bolt hole ,then take a wheel or 2 off, the insurance company will ask for at least 2 or 3 methods of securing the trailer,what a world we leave in. keep a piece of 4x2 under your bed not that you should use it of course.
  11. Without knowing all the details bet he was not wearing a lifejacket
  12. Just a note to clear up any misunderstanding about what AT are looking for, they are looking to have a Local Committee based within the IFCA area who sole interest is conservation, it would be made up of anglers, fishing trade, ie charter skippers and hopefully IFCA fisheries officers and the like, Anglers would not be representing there Club but hopefully would share a like mind, they would not be elected by the Wessex Region Committee but there Chairman would, they would also be able to elect them selves a rep to sit on the new national committee.
  13. Note from David Mitchell which also applies to anyone else. Wessex region Angling Trust is changing with our agreement, If he is interested I would like to suggest that Mike Fox from PBSBAC is approached to be involved and even possibly be the representative to sit on the national Fishery and Conservation committee. I talked to him after the meeting in Poole and he has since started some good threads on the PBSBAC forum. I've also attached Mike's email so you can see how proactive he was after the meeting. If you've got any thoughts on this then please let me know. (sorry to put this on you Mike) Chris Holloway Chairman AT Wessex
  14. Skippers fined
  15. If you think somebody is fishing outside of the law Contact us The Committee
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