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will church

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Everything posted by will church

  1. Hi All After a while away, I'm after a newish one of the above. I can't make my mind up, so I'll see what comes up. I have a decent Yam 15hp, so hull and possibly trailer only. The old dear has moved to West Scotland, so anywhere between London and Scotland would be ideal! Many thanks Will
  2. hould have added my number - 07832 368319 Will
  3. Hi Paul If for any reason Rob can't make it I'd be very keen to crew for you. I still haven't seen neo go with her new super fast engine! Will
  4. if anyone needs crew this weekend I'm available and as usual promise not to outfish the skipper! Will
  5. Hi Max - I did mean this week but as I am between jobs for a month I can do next week too! I'll give you a shout tonight, and thanks. Will
  6. Hi all - I posted earlier in the week but I think a few days worth of posts have been lost? Anyway I am available to crew next wed/thurs, I am willing and able when told what to do! My boat is in pieces back at my old man's place, and I'm desperate to get out. Of course I'll share all costs and cleaning down work, and my sense of humour is probably acceptable for a day or so..... ...And i definately won't be showing up anyone's fishing skills Will
  7. Hold that thought - I just saw a picture of one I think it is bigger than my boat? Am I thinking of the right thing?
  8. Hi Martin can you plug it in to a hand held Garmin type thing? What area does the map cover, would use it mainly in Blackwater, Essex. Thanks Will
  9. I echo Adam's thoughts......it took me a week a year for 5 years as a young lad to catch a salmon . Seems (slightly more) straightforward with the benefit of hindsight! Just keep confident. Will
  10. As far as the shark fesitval is concerned, it may not make a major difference to shark numbers as they argue, but at best it's just crass. Maybe the kids could go to a fish market for the educational side of it? Is there any body we could lobby from over here against this sort of thing in the US, after all it's our porbies and blues they are killing (according to the shark programme I saw last week.) Kam, more as a matter of interest than a political point - when I was in upstate New York I was taken to see a new venture - it was a buffalo ranch where the beasts were bred then released into a thousand acre paddock to be shot from 4wds. I've worked dogs for years and seen a lot of creatures shot but nothing prepares you for that! But then we do breed and release millions of pheasants to shoot here - and I love to work my dog on these shoot days, so I guess were all the same but different. Of course just bigger in the US!
  11. Has anyone fished the Blackwater out of Tollesbury (or anywhere really) and know how/where to fish it? Thanks Will
  12. I have never understood this either, though as when you heat a nut and bolt it comes undone I can only assume the hole gets bigger.....or there is another magic property such as the expansion of any part cracks all the grime holding it together... I don't know, I'll stick to fishing. Don't know too much about that either! Will
  13. Agreed. Best ever made for the money (and even including much more expensive ones). They can stand the abuse I give them too! The disc drag is the same as Orvis Battenkill and the best thing about them. I just talked myself into it and bought them.
  14. I know, I know - but imagine if you'd had that big bass on your picture on the fly. You'd never forget it.....nothing like the direct hit on a fly rod and hearing the line run out from the reel.
  15. Have PM'd you - always hand to have a spare salmon rod.....so I might be interested. Cheers Will
  16. Ooops...!
  17. I'm putting my quidsworth in for the new mitchell 300s. I've caught a good few salmon on mine and the drag is just dream smooth and never snatches. Also like the old ones they fish well with a shallow spool for light work or with a deep spool and big spinner. I've never had a Shimano though I know they are also excellent but having been in love with the old Mitchells (and loving eccentric French engineering) I had to get one of the new ones.
  18. I'm putting my quidsworth in for the new mitchell 300s. I've caught a good few salmon on mine and the drag is just dream smooth and never snatches. Also like the old ones they fish well with a shallow spool for light work or with a deep spool and big spinner. I've never had a Shimano though I know they are also excellent but having been in love with the old Mitchells (and loving eccentric French engineering) I had to get one of the new ones.
  19. Thanks Tom I'm waiting for Afishionado to come on because he knows lots of stuff like this! I spoke to Steel Developments and they tell me that if I have a 4 blade prop it will have faster acceleration, and 3 blade will have faster top end - but on a displacement boat with the largest suited engine surely the top end can't be increased?
  20. I am getting a new prop for my Yamaha 15hp long shaft, to go on my Sea Nymph (17ft displacement thing like a Longliner) approx 15ft displacement lenght and c.400kgs. What pitch etc do I need? Thanks as ever guys Will
  21. Thanks all. Wedger, I'll have a look tonight if I remember. Afishionado, just the info I wanted cheers pal. Where can I get a spark plug from as it looks knackered?
  22. Hi guys I have had a Seagull in my shed for years, just dug it out to see if it would be a sensible aux. for my Sea Nymph (17ft displacement jobby). And would I be better with oars?!? the boat seems narrow enough to row. Attached is a picture - don't know what model or HP it is?!?
  23. I loved that trip Paul! And I'm still very grateful for the help. Wilson was a lovely boat but just didn't get enough use, so I've released some capital to pay for berthing/boat park type thing. Also I now have no pressue of getting home to keep myself in brownie points and so would love to be making the most of it all, though with 8 weddings, 2 stag doos and 3 30th birthdays (mine included!) this summer I am short of weekends for boating fun! However, I am at least pleased to near that I have a fellow nymphette that will be going as slowly as me around the Solent! Afishionado, thanks for pointing out the obvious to me the idiot here who missed it! Will
  24. Thanks Steve, I have sent you a PM. Cheers Will
  25. Sorry Duncan another daft question - could you slip your boat most tides anywhere round there? I had this problem when I used to fish the Blackwater Estuary and found I couldn't always get my boat in or what when I wanted a short trip? It's certainly a lot closer.
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