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will church

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Everything posted by will church

  1. Sunday 7am Lymignton met up with Paul and Gordon with Neo who kindly took us out to a couple of marks east of the harbour - I don't remember the names...... We struggled with weed in the Solent in the morning and moved closer to shore, where Paul took a 3 1/2lb bass on what looked like a toy fishing rod! Moved along to try and find somewhere less weedy, and ended up heading back past Lymington and mackereling on the way to the other side of the island, but left Neo to carry on round there as following our 4am start we were past the best and the water was a bit choppy for the first voyage (though rumour has it it was flat calm round the other side.) All in all some small bream, a small doggy and a few mackerel (not a blank though). Great to test Ultimate Chaos out on a bit of chop, the 'slap' could definitely be a problem in big seas but if you hang on it's bearable! Found out the pilchard that fitted the boat restricted how far the throttle could be pushed forward. Once I got round this it went pretty well. Thanks very much to Paul and Gordon for taking the trouble, I like to think that one day when I'm a bit more experienced I can do the same for someone..... Also nice to meet the Blue Warrior gang in Lymington at the end of the day and saw those 2 'moderate size' bass.....well I'll be opening the champagne when I get one like that on board. Thank you PBSBAC.
  2. Anything with fins will do this Sunday as far as I'm concerned....just couldn't cope with blanking on the maiden voyage....!
  3. Hope you enjoy our company, I'm sure you will! Will
  4. That would be very welcome, thank you Paul....I could do with all the help available! Have been given some co-ordinates by Adam F to try out as well. If you get the crew, give me a shout 07832 368319 or send me your number and I'll call you....just waiting for my charts to arrive on the post - they seem to have gone missing! Thanks Will
  5. I failed in getting ready for it Kam, I'm sorry to say.... But next Sat night I'll be staying in Lymington ready to launch bright and breazy on Sunday. Did you get out in the end mate?
  6. Thanks all. In reply: The one in the background: Belongs to the bloke I bought it off Sam, and failed my missus' criteria (must have a house on it!?!). The one in the background is a Predator 16, I was very impressed with it and nearly had it instead, but of course no house! Getting it dirty: been out on the Thames already, and I assure that's a dirty, dirty place. The name: Ultimate Chaos, as the previous was Total Chaos (named by the previous owner), there's only one way to go. Next Sunday it is! Not ready this Sunday As for finding the fish, fingers crossed. This man looks like he's praying which is what I'll be doing! Will
  7. will church

    New Boat

    Just to carry on the tradition of being proud enough of new boats to put a picture on the website, mine's here and nearly ready to go (if I have managed to attch the file - can't work out the thumbnail bit) Hopefully out this Sunday, but might be next Sunday.
  8. Advice from someone who has just converted from 'playing' at sea fishing. I looked at loads of boats before getting mine - I still don't know if I've made the right decision! One I looked at closely and nearly bought was a Predator 16, it has had excellent reviews. it has an open cuddy type of shelter. It is very reasonably priced if you are looking for a new one. A 40hp would probably be the minimum sensible if you want to get out and about a bit and make full use of the boat you have just bought. I got a 50hp on mine, and I am wondering if it might be too small already. I bought a new Wilson Flyer, against a lot of Forum advice, but because I needed deck space with somewhere to sleep - and it had to be well priced. The supplier sold me a good condition 5yr old 4 stroke to go with it, doing this can save you cash to start with and will hopefully be reliable. Look at boatsandoutboards.com to get an idea what is about. If you are not regularly fishing 4 then 16 or 17ft will be about right. This size will be easy to trailer and launch and therefore you can keep it on your drive if you have one. Another bonus for me was that a normal family size car can tow a boat this size with the right trailer. If you can buy secondhand, you may get all the extras that cost so much (anchors, ropes, electronics etc) when you have to kit out a new boat. Good luck! Will
  9. My new boat has arrived and should be kitted out with all safety gear for a run out on Sunday (all seemed to work on the 'dry' run on the Thames). I have never fished in the solent ever before (gulp), can anyone point me out a couple of marks that are fairly sheltered, easily reachable, and there is a good chance of catch something (oh just anything!) Quite fancy taking a bream home! Failing that is anyone else planning a trip out on Sunday that I could 'shadow'? Many thanks Will
  10. I would certainly be interested to know when the course would be.....work is a bit hectic right now, but fishing is of course more important, and fishing safely even more still....! Will
  11. Can anyone help? I seem to have overlooked going on a VHF course and I want to get out onto the water. Is it a legal requirement? Basically I have a week to do it in if so before my maiden voyage on my boat! Thanks Will
  12. Adam I'd be well up for joining you with my boat for a trip, but as it is new (ie I'm picking it up Saturday) I need a couple of trips to get used to its handling. Let me know when you are planning. Will
  13. Hi all I'm picking my new boat up next week (hurray). I'm after all the safety bits to fit her out (and fishfinder) - I think I have already secured a VHF and I have an auxillary engine (though I need a bracket for it). Anything else (including non safety useful bits) required! All I have is engines and tanks at present. Thanks Will
  14. Thanks Duncan. I've PM'd you, I think i'll need to pay postage as I'm in london. I'll send my membership off today as well. Will
  15. Hi duncan Have you flogged it yet? If not, let me know. Will
  16. Sorry, that sounds harsh and as if I think I know it all reading it again - what I meant was, fair point well taken! Will
  17. Right, I'm joining - I understand perfectly well the weather threshold. Better safe than sorry I completely agree! I'm getting a Wilson Flyer - I wanted a new boat having seen some of the wrecks I've been offered second hand, and it was the nearest to my price range. I had some advice from the forum members on it,and it was well received. Basically as long as I'm prepsared to slow down in the rough it should be OK. also, the missus demanded as her part of the bargain a boat 'with a house on it!'. Well it's got 2 berths anyway! I'll join the club then.....it seems great. I am based in Surrey, is there anywhere reasonable to keep a boat on a trailer near the Solent? Thanks again for the welcome. Will
  18. Thanks guys for all your kind welcomes. I am picking up my new boat next week sometime, and look forward to fishing the south coast with it. I am completely new to the South Coast, both fishing and boating round it, and hope to pick up some good tips from you guys. If anyone either needs crew at any time, or would like to come out with me or need a 'buddy boat' I'm keen as I need to learn! I can be contacted on will.church@johnchurchltd.co.uk , or through the forum of course. Can't wait to get out on the water. Will
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