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About Tiderunner

  • Birthday 03/25/1959

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Cod Hauler

Cod Hauler (4/6)



  1. More good information Charlie, Spawning fish making up 25% of yearly take by pair trawling is bad enough but doesn't take into consideration the future stock lost by this mindless, but no doubt very profitable activity, which has been going on for years.....I already have a self imposed 2 fish bag limit on my boat and increased minimum size but without any action on the above it seems literally a drop in the ocean ! All the best, Mike
  2. Thanks lads !... and happy birthday Toma
  3. Just seen this Nigel and I'm lost for words really, as you say a nightmare......just want to add I know your boat was on a pontoon mooring but there was so much debris in the river yesterday washed down stream by the heavy rain that several boats were torn from their river moorings by build up of debris on mooring lines or some other flood related cause. these had caught up with other boats causing a log jam effect. Maybe some of this debris could have caused damage to your boat ? Only time will tell.... Very very unlucky Nigel.... Mike
  4. Nice one Charlie, as always report full of mind boggling statistics ! Under the MMO section - The most valuable species landed overseas by UK vessels in 2012 mackerel £91 million (yes million pounds !) and plaice £20 million ! Staggering and unsustainable figures which will probably increase this year..... Don't know the tonnage. But that's an awful lot of live baits and flatties ! Thanks again Charlie, Mike
  5. Tiderunner

    Sunken boat

    Rob, No barge and crane, floated with airbags just enough to move off the bottom then a line attached and towed back into the harbour by a local boat "Mister B". Nearly got stuck opposite the quay but was successfully recovered to the harbour around 8.00pm. Mike
  6. Tiderunner

    Sunken boat

    Hi Rob, Airbags inflated by divers and towed in by "Mister B" around 8.00 pm last evening while I was having a swim, no wonder you were confused ! Did someone forget to inform the coastguard ? Great basing and battery issue well managed. All the best, Mike
  7. At least this group care about the visual and environmental impact a construction project of this magnitude will have on our local surroundings which will keep us better informed than Eneco will ever do. Wether this film is technically correct or not it has already made more of an impact than Eneco's own exhibiton images which were at best a poor representation of what could become the biggest wind farm in europe. Mike
  8. Ditto......yesterday on the ledge a garfish grabbed my bream bait on the drop and shot off uptide which was quite exciting, no mackerel to report. Mike
  9. Nice one Charlie. its good to have the information out there. It seems Eneco are in consultation with the commercial fishermen/potters, the RYA, divers and even French pair trawlers that fish the Southern end of the box ! but no recognition or understanding of the impact [good or bad] on recreational boat anglers so this may be an oppurtunity to for both parties to gather information. Mike
  10. Hi Mike, Good thread this one, My top three are as follows - 1 Closed areas to protect breeding fish 2 Restrictions on beam trawling 3 No pair trawling in Uk waters [ or anywhere else for that matter] Also feel strongly over sandeel fishing for fertilizer and other products when as you point out there is a viable option in dead bycatch already. Mike
  11. Sorry to hear your bad news Nigel, if only these morons realised the distress they cause......but no chance of that happening anytime soon. Just don't let them win by getting sorted and back out fishing as soon as you can. I'm local and have a couple of spare rods you can use if that helps ? Best wishes, Mike
  12. What a cod Nigel !!.....and a 20 pounder to get your eye in. Just reward for putting all the rod hours in. Well done and great fishing, Mike
  13. Awesome fishing lads ! A well planned and executed trip.....great report and pics too. A specimen bream amongst other quality fish. Well done, Mike
  14. Fish of a lifetime George well done ! Returning it will make it more memorable over the years so full marks for that as well. Just seen the news of your John Dory...... have you thought about buying a lottery ticket this week ? Great fishing, Mike
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