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About Zzippy

  • Birthday 02/02/1969

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Shark Chaser

Shark Chaser (5/6)



  1. SOLD
  2. Zzippy


    Hiya Lofty. I only take my crate because it has my rod rest's ,light and flag attached.If I didnt need them I wouldnt take a crate. When I first started I used to take loads of stuff out with me.Now I just take what I need.It all fits in my centre hatch,PFD pockets and in the bag on the back of my seat. If I just go in Poole harbour then my Rear Tankwell is empty. Alot of people use coolboxes(the small ones)
  3. I am keeping hold of the yak for a while Dave. I have had some treatment on my back which seems to be working but I could only manage a couple of hours on the kayak.My Hiatus Hernia is playing up at the moment.Go into hospital at the end of the month for the Camera down my throat then they will see if I need keyhole surgery or not. It was my wife that talked me into keeping the kayak.She said I would miss it if I sold it all.I just think she wants me out of the way
  4. That looked good out there having the whole sea to yourself Well it looks like it from the photos. Nice few miles covered there James,well done. The spring species should be here soon
  5. Managed my first trip out yesterday since last October. Met up with Mark(DogsandLandys)at Evening Hill.We set up and were on the water by 8am. The plan was to drift the plaice grounds to see if any early ones had arrived yet. There was a cold Easterly Breeze but it was just nice to get out. Mark wrapped up against the cold The Breeze was making it hard to keep the drift up the main Channel. A quick snap of the Bar Fleur Then I went and caught my PB Whiting(only one)from Poole Harbour all of 4oz After a few hours I decided to head back in.Don't know what was hurting more.My feet from the cold or my Hernia. I will be glad when I eventually have my op so I can spend more time on the water. But I enjoyed myself.It was a nice morning out and with good company.
  6. Looking good Lofty Have you been out in it yet?
  7. Zzippy


    I have always wondered what that button did.Now I know
  8. Looks like you gave the windsurfers a run for their money Well done on getting out.I think you were the only ones that did.I love it at Evening Hill.Nice and safe for testing the sails out.If you come off you just walk back in
  9. The 12v 7.2amp or the 12v 12amp would be ok.Anything less wouldnt last long I dont think. I see they are about
  10. Zzippy

    led bulbs

    Graham. I dont know if its this sort of light/bulb your looking for.Its made out of loads of LED's and can be seen a few miles away(across water).We use them on the kayak. James(overrun)made them for us.It might be worth asking James about the bulbs.
  11. I gave Dave(Pirky) one last year.He would be able to tell you how long it lasts and using what equipment.I think it was just for his fishfinder/GPS.But cant be 100% sure. I will charge them up then you can try one to see if its suitable.
  12. Hi Steve. We use the alarm batteries.I have a12volt, 7amp sealed battery which does me a few trips before charging.I run the fish finder/ Gps with it. I think I have a couple of spare in my locker at work.If they hold the charge your welcome to one of them. I will bring them home tomorrow night and charge them.
  13. ....it was 9/. Why do some of the most experienced kayakers believe that it is the responsibility of boats to see them and not for the kayaker to be seen? Sorry John. Dont know where you got that from.All the kayakers I know go out of there way to be seen by boats. We sit so low in the water its hard enough for boats to see us anyway.I have a flag attached to the back of my crate on a telescopic pole,Bright paddles which I can wave around to attract attention,Bright orange Beannie hat,A high vis. Plus for night fishing I have my all round Nav light which can be seen from a few miles away.Headlamp and solas tape on my kayak and paddles and pfd. Its our duty to make sure we can be seen.
  14. Happy Birthday Tom Mark
  15. Be good for hiding up in the reeds at Holton Heath and shooting the ducks We have been up there a few times and a guy has been on Seagul island shooting with a shotgun.
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