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  1. Shanew

    switch box

    thanks rob True, another option , if anybody has their details that be great.
  2. Shanew

    switch box

    hi Dave thanks for the info , I was told by engineer he had come across many problems with them.maybe the newer models are better, he may have had issues with older models. I will take alook at the etec, just want some reliability without breaking the bank. thanks for all the replys Shane
  3. Shanew

    switch box

    hi mark Thanks for reply, i think your right, I've had nothing but bad luck with this engine. Ive just spoke to my engineer at priory marina who has said the same,advised to get a 2nd hand four stroke can drop to a 50hp as will get better performance, any thing Japanese apart from tonhitsu.looking to pay around
  4. Shanew

    switch box

    hi I've had 2 quotes to fix engine now both around
  5. Shanew

    switch box

    hi guys following the fire I had with my mercury engine after investigation it looks like it had something to do with the switchbox. I have been struggling trying to source a new one or even a 2nd hand one. do any off you guys know off any where or who could help me. it's for a mercury blueband 80hp 2 stroke 1987 model. thanks in advance Shane
  6. Shanew


    I've just looked at ls Marina and it looks promising, going to ring them tomorow.
  7. Shanew


    would like a permanent storage,have been quoted
  8. Shanew


    hi guys I'm looking for hard standing storage for my boat down there.any info would be greatly apreciated. Regards Shane.
  9. Shanew

    mayday call

    today i had a engine fire on board sailing in the crouch, had to make a call for the first time, was scary moment but got it out, at the time with two 25ltrs fuel cans on board in close proximity and whilst my mate was tackling fire with extinguisher we were concerned enough to make call. was this the right thing to do or did we panic ? In hindsight we could have pan pan for assistance. after getting fire under control ,and shutting everything down, dropping anchor ect, we advised coastguard we were out off danger. fambridge haven responded and came out to tow us back in. they were fantastic i have to say. after assessing damage its not to bad but cant now make open. just glad we ok. just goes to show something can happen at any time anywhere. . regards Shane
  10. Hi all well finally got call back from priory marina last fri , problem was contaminated fuel and carb needles req replacing.took her for quick run up river and all went well. Aranged a trip again to fanbridge on fri eve for day out on sat but mates cancelled. ah well !! Just to ask if anybody local to me ever would like a trip or two out your more than welcome. now to get ready for sept down poole for week. Hopefully to enter the open. Tight lines
  11. Hi rob Ran her on muffs friday both out off gear and in gear she ran good.it was only under load after launched she kept cutting out when i tried shifting her in gear. Also primer wasnt staying hard either.
  12. It was 86miles to fambridge from bedford.i hope to find somewhere i can keep her by the coast.
  13. Hi dave Thanks for advice Boat is at priory marina bedford at moment , mechanic gary has said the same. Hopefully be ok. Found aux engine wasnt pumping either so new impeller on this too. Was looking forward to today but hey thats boating for you.had my radar mounted higher also. hope to get back to fambridge in a few weeks for a run out again. One plus was finding that i can moor over night there for
  14. Had to abort a trip today due to engine kept stopping on selecting gear. On tick over was fine and also running up with flush muffs was fine. Seems to be underload have problem. boat was in water rods ready all set to go. Was sailing out of fambridge north. Hope get sorted for open.
  15. Hi paul That would be great doubled up with neo. I have booked caravan at rockley so we can get some trips out in week weather permiting. Will contact you nearer time so we can make arangements. Are you entering open on sunday? Shane
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