With smaller tides on Sunday and a light winds I planned a trip for some larger tope, left Parkstone Bay about 8.30 headed out to pick up some mackerel. Not too many but enough for a bit of sport.
With a wreak near by quick few drifts produced one lonely pollack. Moved to a deep mark, (less than 10 miles from land) anchored up and bait down.
Almost from the off decent tope, one bull huss and the odd conger as the tide died the bites stopped. So thought change baits, started to reel in the smaller rod (12lb ugly) oh something on it, gained some line then went off like a steam train, thought must be a good tope, went between nothing to bent over rod, finally could just make out shape, yup looks tope shape.....got it to the close to the boat, anit no tope, bloody porbeagle ! got it to within touching distance, sounds daft but its big eye seemed to be looking at me. As soon as it broke surface took a look, spat out the weight ? it peeled off and disappeared back down. Estimate around 2m ish was such a quick event didn't get a picture, what I just don`t understand is, it could have, at any time just swam off but let me get it up to the boat ? maybe ill or lazy ? I`m guessing it just followed up bait/weight nipping tugging at it on the way up ? do they do this ? So I don`t claim i caught it just seen it very close up
As the tide died down few more congers and then headed back in with a big grin on my face.