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Everything posted by spNOam

  1. Bass bandits work well up here.
  2. spNOam


    burglar broke into a house one night. He shone his torch around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said, 'Jesus is watching you.' The burglar nearly jumped out of his skin and clicked off his torch. When he heard nothing more, he shook his head and continued his business. Just as he started disconnecting the hi-fi wires, the voice spoke again. 'Jesus is watching you.' The burglar shone his light around the room, looking for the source of the voice. Finally, in the corner of the room, his torch beam came to rest on a parrot. 'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot. 'Yep', the parrot confessed, then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you that Jesus is watching you.' The burglar relaxed. 'Warn me, huh? And who are you?' 'Moses,' replied the bird. 'Moses?' the burglar laughed. 'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?' 'The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus.'
  3. spNOam

    Build a fence

    Gotta get me one of these! I wonder if Customs will allow these in the country, I'm thinking, NOT The 16D Rapid-fire Nail Gun New nail gun, made by Dewalt. It can drive a 16D nail through a 2 X 4 at 200 yards. This makes construction a breeze, you can sit in your lawn chair and build a fence. Just get the wife and kids to hold the fence boards in place while you sit back, relax with a cold drink, when they have the board in the right place just fire away. With the hundred round magazine, you can build the fence with a minimum of reloading. After a day of fence building with the new Dewalt Rapid fire nail gun, the wife probably won't ask you to fix or build anything else.
  4. I also run a mariner, 'bout the same age, you don't say how many hours but if not many it's probably carbs (fuel residues in the jets from the winter lay up?) if its got loads of hours on it it could be anything.
  5. spNOam

    Gas lift tube

    They're less than
  6. spNOam

    Gas lift tube

    I've bought an office chair gas suspension tube like this: Anyone used one of these to support a helm seat? Looking for ideas how to fix between the pedestal & seat bracket, any suggestions gratefully received. Geoff
  7. I am running the Mariner 90 fourstroke (carb model) on a similar type of boat, The ally prop supplied was a 19" pitch which I also found to be a bit slow pusing the boat out of the hole with the boat fully loaded with 80ltrs of fuel & three burly people on board (however not really a slouch either) Max RPM (WOT) with this prop 5400rpm. A swap to an 18" pitch SS prop gets the boat (same loading) on the plane quickly & easily. Max RPM (WOT) 6000rpm (as per the manual) Max speed (gps) 39mph. Hope this has been of some help
  8. spNOam


    This would certainly support my initial question, the +ive connection is switched.I wonder if It would make any difference if I switched the -ive or even connected this to an anode?
  9. spNOam


    Does anyone know why my battery (copper earth side only) cables tun black?
  10. spNOam

    Log Book

    I would also like to beg a log book/spreadsheet pleeeeease.
  11. I was surprised to find they sell Arran sweaters in Malta....Fur coats in Cyprus...supply the demand I guess
  12. spNOam


    For the CG66 I'm happy to give a cruising endurance of 4 hrs. In reality not only do we not always set off with a totally full tank of fuel, there are a number of other variables, wind, tide sea state, number on board etc etc. Not to mention the ammount of fish caught.......
  13. spNOam


    Here goes....For my boat pushed by a Mariner 90 fourstroke Average fuel consumption approx 0.7 litres per mile Average cruising speed 20mph Fuel tank capacity 78 litres Therefore Cruising endurance = 78
  14. spNOam


    Anyone know how you calculate the 'cruising endurance' There must be a scientific answer to this.....
  15. Thanks Tom, My order has been placed, I'll keep you guys posted as to how I get on with them.
  16. Thanks Kam, most of my bassing is done over reefs & rocky ground no more than 12' deep...looks like father christmas may be getting an addition to my list!
  17. Anyone tried these? Are they any good? They look as though they should do the job...... but do they just catch more fishermen I wonder? http://www.traceace.com/Bass%20Bandits_Eddystone%20tail.htm
  18. After much measuring, head scratching & searching I found some 20mm thick plastic board that was 'hard' enough to use as a spacer between the engine & transom bringing the total transom thickness to 80mm which allwed the engine to be fitted without any other modifications. The engine now tilts nicely into the engine well witha 12mm clearance. Looking forward to conducting some sea trials when the waeather allows.
  19. Current engine (mariner 75 2 stroke) has approx 1/2" clearance with the rear of the engine well (when tilted) and is 23 and a bit inches tall.....the 90 4 stroke is 25 and a bit inches tall therefore a 2" spacer will move the 90 rearwards just enough to make it fit. Either that or I'm looking at one of these http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/view/F111226/ which is rather more expensive... I've seen many boats with an ugly lump of marine ply mounted to the transom for this purpose, as the boat is out of the water for the winter I've plenty of time to make a nice job if I can find a suitable lump of white plasic or nylon. Geoff
  20. Brilliant thank you! All I need now is a piece of white plastic or polythene 18" long 15" wide and 2" thick to use as a spacer between the transom & the engine...unless there are better ideas out there? Geoff
  21. About to change my engine to a mariner 90 foustroke...before I buy....I have no idea how tall this engine is and as the engine will need to tilt into the engine well does anyone have any 'technical data' (how tall?) for this engine? The reason I ask is that I may need to buy a jack plate or spacer of some kind as well as the engine & would like to know before I commit.
  22. I have a Lowrance/Silva S10 combination (works a treat), you have all the cables you need unless the units are going to be a long way apart, don't forget to 'tell' the Lowrance unit that it has another device connected to it.
  23. spNOam

    Card Reader

    Be very careful...you can easily mess up the data on the card rendering it useless...could be an expensive experiment.
  24. A friend of mine went to the harbour to check his Explorer Elite only to find it upside down....apparently it had filled with water for some reason, the weight of which caused it to flip over. Anyone else heard of this happening with Explorer boats?
  25. spNOam

    Seat Cushions

    Anyone know where I can get replacement chushions for a 17' white shark?
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