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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by spNOam

  1. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Well I finally got everything sorted....took her out for 'sea trials' today & I must say I am well impressed. There was a good chop on which gave me the opportunity to try her at all angles in the waves, at no time did I feel uncomfortable. All in all a nice ride, looking forward to a calm afternoon to see what she's like 'on the plane' Photo of 'the boat' me & junior sorting out the moorings.
  2. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Ad was removed.....hope it was not too good to miss as I am currently getting the gear off my old boat on to my new Mg 530, now pretty much sorted, looking forward to taking her out over the weekend, will keep you guys posted on how she performs. Just a couple of questions.....is there any tidy way of fitting the gps receiver, that is with a bare minimum of cable showing, not that I dislike the cable...just that I want it in the least vunerable place. Has anyone else found a 'nice' way of routing the cables from the remotes through the bulkhead, I managed to fit a 'pocket' looks a bit like a fibreglass version of a mini van filler recess....pictures available on request. Anyone got any suggesions on what I should name her? Geoff
  3. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Conway marina is just up the road from me, the Quicksilver 500 is available new for -http://www.mcaleesemarine.co.uk/detail.php?id=29701 - Ireland is just a short journey accross from Holyhead for me, but a trailer would have to be added to the price...think....think
  4. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Bit on the (percieved?) small side this is probably due to poor layout, no lockable cabin.
  5. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    All for nothing! both MG 530's I had my eye on were sold before I could get my hands on them.....any suggestions where a similar boat can be found at similar cost? The Drago Sunday fishing may be an option, anyone had a go on one of these?
  6. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Done my share of 'flying,' fine doing 35 knots in a dory on a flat calm, however we don't often get conditions like that.....hence my requirement for something more comfortable, most of my fishing is done at anchor therfore a bit of roll aint a problem so far as the ride is OK (slamming aint good)
  7. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Waiting for contact details of the guy with the MG, anyone who can compare the ride with anythig 'known' would be useful. There is an MG locally however they want 14k for it (stuff that) which I have had a look over, build quality etc seems OK and has all that I need except for a larger fuel tank. A fair weather fisherman I am, however the wind does pick up quickly in the Tremadog bay area, much of my fishing done approx 15 miles from shore in 12' of water! Sometimes a long trudge back!!
  8. spNOam

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Raider 18 too rich for me, Warrior, Explorer, Samurai, all under consideration (what is the difference) as are the Arvor, Jeanneau, Quicksilver- I already have a cathederal hull boat (dare I say like riding a wardrobe in rough/choppy sea) which is one of the reasons for wishing to swap. Have found an MG for testing - only it's in Portsmouth & I'm in Porthmadog (a 600 mile round trip) anyone fancy a free ride in an MG Pilothouse on my behalf?
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