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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gino

  1. Hi Adam Would love to join you if I can make it, and if the great British weather allows.... Whereabouts are you heading and how far out do you go (not been wrecking yet)? Gino
  2. Hi I think I have been struck off for not paying. Paid by paypal yesterday. Only joined in November and didn't realise it was renewal time.... thanks
  3. Sorry to hear that. Someone mentioned tagging with selectaDNA was a good deterrent and would at least be proof of ownership if things do get found by the police (unlikely I know). Anyone had any experience with it?
  4. Hi I have a GPSMAP 750s, and was told by Garmin that the bluechart g2 is for the whole of the UK is included in the unit but I am not seeing many wrecks and I'm sure there must be more than I see on my plotter down there. I have called Garmin and they have said that I wont get any more wrecks from buying a different card, but a few people have said that is not true. Can anyone give me some advice and save me buying a card if it is pointless!!! Thanks
  5. That's a great video. Anyone know where I can get a cheap net to trawl for sandeels? Definitely looks like its the thing to do...
  6. Brill True....
  7. when/where is the cod comp?
  8. Finally made it out there, first cod trip, found the car park. Caught nothing, not even a nibble. How are you guys setting up your tackle and bait? We were trying pennel rigs that we made up ourselves and a few squid on for bait.
  9. Weather looks OK, I'm planning on heading out, anyone else going? If so, whereabouts? I'm thinking Christchurch ledge.......
  10. Hopefully my boat will be ready to go by Friday and I will be heading to car park, where is Xray?
  11. Gino


    Shame I never made it out. Got about 5 mins out the harbour and my drive failed.............
  12. Gino


    Thanks for all the replies. Amazingly helpful. Once we get out there, assuming the weather is ok, I will call on channel 6 to see if there are any of you guys out there. One last question about tackle... Using fixed spool reels with 20lb mono on at the moment, do I need to change that? And is a pennel rig loaded up with squid the best bait to get going with, or is it rag tipped off with a tiny bit of squid? I've been told different things about what to use..
  13. Gino


    Thanks chaps I am thinking of heading out to the needles on Wednesday for the first time. Are there any general areas I should head for or just try to get close to the needles? I have no idea what to look for and as it is not the weekend there are probably not going to be any boats out there showing me the way....
  14. Gino


    Hi Everyone Just joined the club so I thought I'd say hi. I have bought a boat this year and it is kept in Poole Harbour and do most fishing around the harbour entrance/just outside. Didn't catch much in the beginning but starting to get some results now and have had quite a few bass (biggest 44cm) and caught a 3lb Plaice! Mad keen on doing some cod fishing but don't really know where to start. Have heard lots of people saying the needles is the place to go but don't have any marks. Any advice greatly appreciated. Gino
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