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Mal Thomas

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Mal Thomas last won the day on March 3

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About Mal Thomas

  • Birthday 10/27/1960

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  • Interests
    Fishing. Golf. Red wine. My wife!
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Marlin Master

Marlin Master (6/6)



  1. Chris and I went out 7.00am Sunday on a very low Spring, no problems with air draft. The boat needed defrosting and so did we, the Flood was fast and furious and mainly after we had passed through the swash, on the return in that was a different matter very little wind but 2mtr waves standing up. We tucked round the corner in Swanage hoping the fish had done the same, they had but they were all LSD variety. As the speed of tide eased we moved out on some banks along with a couple of Charters, still very slow we even had to wait for a doggie to bite. By the time it sped up we decided to give Swanage ago on the Ebb when the tide has less swirling, just LSD. So another move saw us drifting for a flattie, no bites at all. We crossed the Swash and got caught up in the 2mtr waves and that was enough, the final whistle, we had had enough, hopefully a cold Guinness was available, even that was not definite due to a bar refurb. thankfully they were open. Water temp measured at 10 degrees, I wonder if things will switch on when it reaches the magical 12 degrees. We still had a great day out in the sunshine around our beautiful coastline, a few fish other than doggies would have brightened up the day. A fuel up, a wash down and a Guinness saw the end to another 13 hour day. No rocking required when we got home.
  2. Have a word with Jim he is a better photographer than this, a shade line right through your spectacles.🤣
  3. AT Wessex Specimen sizes Zone D Spur dog 8.0kg 16lb
  4. Lets get our photo of the month going.
  5. Three visits to the boat over the last few days with Mould spray and lots of kitchen roll in hand, the black mould this year in the cabin was very ugly. Re sorted all life jackets, Dan buoy, throw ropes, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, flooring and mats all had mould on them. I can report HG mould spray is better than bleach. It was a bit of a grind, but gradually I enjoyed the process, looking forward to the season. Then it was the turn of the tackle box, oh no! Note to self, don't but any more hooks, sidewinders, slow jigs, line, swivels, clips or any terminal tackle and I think six pairs of scissors is perhaps excessive. The tackle shop is off limits. How many of you are agreeing? Engine serviced, diesel tank for the heater filled, radio checked, knives sharpened, decks scrubbed and now I am ready to be dropped back in. Are you all ready for the new season and the February meeting, I am looking forward to seeing you all and serving another year as your chairman.
  6. Let loose the spell checkers, there must be a couple!! 🤣
  7. A belated report as it has taken me this long to recover, on Sunday after a Saturday visit to an adult panto, we ventured out on Kingfisher Martin, Mal and Chris. Certainly one of us rusty from lack of use, similar to a reel handle of mine. We had plans to go far off, however the weather and sea state put pay to that. We stopped short on 6mile banks as did a few others. With great expectations, a breakfast roll inside us from the cafe on the quay and wearing most of a cup of coffee, the first lines were over, we waited and waited. Then a rod bender, it fought like a cod, it couldn't be could it, no of course not it was a Conger. Followed by a few more and a few Whiting in between, a couple over 2 pounds. We had a grumpy commercial doing a ridiculously close drive by to his buoys for a net he had laid, later he must have taken some happy pills as he was waving like a close friend, funny bunch the commercials. We did not see much in his very long net. The weather was windier than forecast all day with one small lull, there was a few rogue waves amongst them that made me over balance at least once. We did try hard to find something other than above, with a few drop backs on anchor and a couple of moves, just not a lot out there it would seem. A good wash down and a visit to the bar for a quick Guinness and home, a fourteen hour day and a couple of Whiting for the table. Great day out, memories made with some great friends what more do you want out of life.😊
  8. A winter visitor to our coastlines, often seen in small flocks and once located the bird is confident in it's camouflaging feathers and therefore easier to study or photograph.
  9. Correct😇
  10. Colin no such thing as a Sea Gull😁
  11. Just to rub it in, I am not sure that's a Tern either. I am sure it was a great day out, well done.
  12. Merry Christmas to everyone. From Mal and Laura
  13. I think you have summed that up, one thing to add is pollution and I think it is a big one.
  14. Happy Birthday Oli.
  15. Thats what I was thinking

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