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Mal Thomas

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Mal Thomas last won the day on October 24 2024

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About Mal Thomas

  • Birthday 10/27/1960

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    Fishing. Golf. Red wine. My wife!
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Marlin Master

Marlin Master (6/6)



  1. Merry Christmas to everyone. From Mal and Laura
  2. I think you have summed that up, one thing to add is pollution and I think it is a big one.
  3. Happy Birthday Oli.
  4. Thats what I was thinking

  5. We have Electric, water is from a water tank up on the hill a (Pozo) don' know till we arrive. This is devastating for the area, you and I know from experience in this Country this sort of multi agency stuff takes for ever to finalise. The longer term financial effects will be more than they can afford and will scar the area for decades, they will be approaching the EU for monetary help. Flood defences will cost millions and the rise in water retained may proof too much for the Dry River bed divert scheme in place, so even more preventative defences required. A bit like Holes bay flood defence scheme, it will take decades to build. This is just a matter of time before it reaches Blighty.
  6. We are leaving this Thursday Arrive Saturday morning, we heard about your ordeal on TV and tried to offer you our place for refuge, but we could not contact you. We believe our Bungalow is ok, our friends have been there and said it looks ok except for some external stuff. I have been watching all our Local places like Bonaire shopping center with an underground carpark on you tube, it is 6ft deep in there and likely some tragedies. The whole thing is overwhelming and likely to be an ongoing scenario for months to come. The shopping arcade one of Europe's largest when built is trashed. Along with 4 local villages at least, completely trashed and buried in mud and cars. Lots of facilities still not available so taking lots of provisions. So glad your both okay and so sorry for all you losses.
  7. Happy Birthday Steve
  8. Thanks all for your wishes, I did get out Saturday fishing and then a lovely meal with friends Saturday evening. A walk along the sea front Sunday and some bird watching. Fishing was very quiet Saturday, I did manage a Spur Dog which was a surprise and a squid on my squid jig above my feathers. NO RAYS again on a well known ray mark.
  9. I will be away, but we should have a rep present if possible. AG I believe will fill that request, another would be good.
  10. Sorry I have been busy, a belated happy birthday to you Stuie, hope you had a lovely day. 🎂
  11. Happy Belated Birthday Bud.🍺
  12. Have you inadvertently captured a ghost in the bottom of the picture.🤣
  13. Happy Birthday Colin.
  14. 11LB smoothound.
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