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NigelH last won the day on October 16 2016

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Cod Hauler

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  1. Guys Just concentrate on the proposal to gets nets out of the bass fishery. No more gillnetting bass!!!! The EU have proposed it, it needs the fisheries minister's to agree to it in December. If you want to try and help make it happen, email George Eustice at Defra and tell him to agree to it. No more gillnetting bass!! Thanks NigelH
  2. The BBC Countryfile programme is on Sunday 24th NigelH
  3. Hi Steven I think the reason you can't find anything on this is because you do not need a licence as long as your catch is for personal consumption only - you can't sell it. They don't highlight what isn't needed (ie a licence). Some IFCA's have bag limits for personal consumption, but not the Southern IFCA at present. There are minimum landing sizes to be adhered to and you must return any berried lobster or any lobster with a notched tail. For the definitive word, email the Southern IFCA (see their website) Cheers Nigel (and best of luck!)
  4. Thanks Stuie Nigel
  5. Hi Stuie You've got it!! Currently you need a Southern IFCA permit to collect clams etc from the shore, by hand (even just a few for your supper or for bait). This new permit scheme means you only need a permit if you are doing it from a boat ie hand gathering will be legal without a permit. We may need to bring in bag limits later. Post up on here the reply you get from Simon (so I will know I've got it!!) Cheers Nigel
  6. Hi All Picking up on the results of Sea Angling 2012 and the discussion we had at the meeting on Thursday, the Angling Trust are using SA 2012 and the plight of bass to try and influence MP's at next weeks fishing debate. The AT are asking all sea anglers to email their MP as below. 5 minutes that might just make a difference, and way better than Christmas shopping! Angling Trust Briefs MPs on Fishing Industry Debate Please Contact Your MP NOW The Angling Trust is sending a briefing note to all MPs in advance of this year's Fishing Industry debate which will take place on 12th December in the House of Commons. You can download the briefing note from our website HERE. It would be a great help if you could contact your MP and ask them to make sure that they read and take note of the Angling Trust's briefing, and ask them to make time to attend the debate with a view to speaking in favour of the Recreational Sea Angling sector of the UK Fishing Industry, and the social, cultural and economic benefits that Recreational Sea Angling delivers to the wealth and well-being of the UK population. If you are unsure of who your MP is, please visitwww.writetothem.com and put in your postcode. You will be able to email your MP directly from the website. Cheers Nigel
  7. We discussed this at a Southern IFCA meeting on Friday and agreed we would write to the Council offering our support to the club and facility. However, we didn't know they were meeting tomorrow morning so not sure we will get the message through in time. I have also emailed the mayor to let him know that the new Fisheries Minister will announce the results of Sea Angling 2012 on 27th November. Part of Sea Angling 2012 looked specifically at the value of sea angling in Weymouth, but I cannot tell him the results because it's all embargoed until the Ministerial launch. However, I did urge him to delay any decision until he sees what Sea Angling 2012 has to say (I wouldn't want him or his fellow councillors to look foolish). I've also let those in Govt leading Sea Angling 2012 know as a bit of "joined up govt" is needed here!! (For those that don't know, I sit on the Steering Group of Sea Angling 2012 and will be doing a speech at the launch). Hope this isn't too late Nigel
  8. Hi Guys Numbers (Charlie) - It's about 660km2 or 24% of the S.IFCA waters that is being closed to bottom towed gear (trawls and dredges). Yes, it does include most of the south of the IoW Yes, taking trawling out might let (more) static gear in There are three or four things that will drive changes like this The law (especially environment and conservation laws) Economics Public opinion This closure is law driven (the EU Habitats and Birds Directives). These laws may drive other changes over the next couple of years. Other laws may have similar impacts over the next few years in particular the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (both EU Directives transferred into UK law) Economics - commercial fishing economics has always been there. But on 27th November, the findings of Sea Angling 2012 will be made public at a one day conference in London. Richard Benyon will launch the report with the keynote speech. I will also be doing a speech about stakeholder involvement. This will put sea angling economics and a lot more besides right in the middle of policy making (we hope). Public opinion - S.IFCA and other policy makers cannot ignore public opinion (that doesn't mean everyone gets what they ask for, but you've more chance than if you say nothing). The Cornish FSA has a petition running with more than 3000 signatures calling for a ban on all netting within the 10m depth line. It will be interesting to see what effect that has. Now if we had something similar in Dorset............. Nigel
  9. Hi Martin Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and for the important background about the club to bear in mind when looking through those records. Without that a very quick look that I have just done would suggest that there are lots more, lots bigger fish out there now than years ago! Nigel
  10. Well done to all who took part I couldn't get out over the weekend, but did get out on the Friday before. Found 7 or 8 small bass where there should have been some bigger ones, but not a sniff from the big girls (best was only 45cm). Fished the same place yesterday, only one small schoolie, but I lost a very good fish when it shook it's head and my heavy jig head with a barbless hook fell out! Plenty of Pollack though Does the club keep a record of each years bass comp results? As some of you may know, I head up the restoration effort for BASS and that kind of data can be really useful. I get the feeling that the decline in bass stocks is starting to show through. Cheers Nigel
  11. Hi Charlie Great work - keep it up! Can you let me know the time and venue of the next PDSAA meeting (on the 25th July) as I'd like to come along if I am allowed (not sure if it's a closed meeting or not) and if I can make it. Thanks Nigel (Horsman)
  12. Thanks Guys I'm sure she would be interested in groups of kayakers fishing in the harbour together.Hopefully she'll contact Lofty and go from there Nigel
  13. Sorry - yes, I meant Thursday. I did get the deadline right though - this Friday the 30th! Thanks Nigel
  14. Hi Rob Best to drop Alex Potter an email at the address on my previous post. I am sure clubs would be great as well as individuals but the deadline is Friday. Ask her what she is looking for - can't do any harm. Thanks Nigel
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