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DogFish catcher

DogFish catcher (3/6)



  1. PLD


    Think you’ll find these are “Acid (or spiral) Wrapped” rods. Fairly common in the states. Specifically for use with multipliers. http://www.acidrod.com/acidrods.html peter
  2. It’s official https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.LI.2018.244.01.0001.01.ENG&toc=OJ%3AL%3A2018%3A244I%3ATOC
  3. Abu 7000 are good solid reels at reasonable price. KastKing gear is exceptionally good stuff. I use one of their baitcasters (Spartacus) for inshore fishing for bream etc it’s a joy to use.
  4. The articles at the bottom of the document are pretty clear. “This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.”
  5. Just found this link to the official Journal of the EU regarding the easing of the ban. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2018%3A613%3AFIN From what I can tell reading down the document, the proposal HAS been accepted and comes into law tomorrow 7th Sept (3 days after publication in the official journal]. I am happy to be corrected. But I believe this to be genuine. peter
  6. PLD

    Course adventure

    What a small world, I also used to be a member of the ‘ Twicks’ but mainly fished the matches back then late 60’s / 70’s. Then moved on to fly fishing, mainly Kempton, Barn Elms and Queen Mother reservoirs. Still love my coarse and fly fishing but having moved to Christchurch have now added sea fishing to the list. On the Royalty tomorrow/ Thursday , fly fishing with disabled children on Friday and boat fishing on Monday. Too much fishing, too little time. Funnily enough another well known (in coarse circles) ex member of Twickenham Piscatorials and Francis Francis club has just moved to Christchurch. Peter
  7. PLD

    Dory type boat wanted

    Thanks Jerry, I appreciate the advice. Peter
  8. Looking for a (cheapish) dory type open fishing boat or similar for use in Christchurch harbour. Condition not critical as long as usable. Maximum 16 ft. With or without engine. thanks Peter
  9. Brand name is Bungee Spongee http://bungee-spongee.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=62
  10. PLD

    German Coastguard

  11. PLD

    Strap-on Gopro

    Hi Wedger, I have an SJCam 4000 which you are welcome to borrow. Fully waterproof, I've used it to take underwater shots. Has a load of accessories, charger, sd card etc. Not specifically strap on, but enough odds and sods to rig something or can be clipped on to a belt. It's basically a cheaper version of the wifi GoPro but with very similar functions. You can also download an app for editing offline. I'm also away fishing from Sunday. If interested, give me a call on 07523327475. I live in West Christchurch. Peter
  12. Hi All, My name's Peter (PLD). I've been a member for a couple of years but don't have a boat. As a relative newcomer to sea angling I've been out quite a few times on Manta Ray and I think I have finally beaten the dreaded seasickness (tempting fate or what?). I still have a lot to learn and would love to be able to crew occasionally for club members. As a retiree I can often be available at short notice and on weekdays. Am happy to help out with costs and would also be happy to repay/earn favours by helping out with maintenance tasks. As a lifelong coarse and game angler I moved to Christchurch 3 years ago from Twickenham for a better lifestyle and to be nearer to family. Sea angling is new and I am really enjoying the learning curve. Hope to hear from you. Peter
  13. That's a serious pike. Great catch
  14. Out with Tomo on Manta Ray this afternoon conducting some trials following a modification to the hull. In the distance we could see a coastguard helicopter circling around. After steaming for a few minutes the helicopter 'buzzed' us. Thinking nothing of it we continue steaming only to get buzzed again. By now it was obvious something was going on. So I went out on deck and looked up, only to see a crewman holding up a board with 67 written on it. We now tune the radio to channel 67 and are immediately called up by the helicopter and asked if we would mind taking part in a training exercise. Well you don't refuse such a request and so are asked to steam west at a steady 10 knots. We were then privileged to be treated to the following spectacle. Very exciting stuff. Hope the links work Sent from my iPad
  15. PLD

    Lure Storage

    Thanks folks, looks like I'm worrying unnecessarily.
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