Hi Barney,
Some things I discovered on Hook'n'Eye:
If you are going to have an auxiliary engine, place the mounting bracket on the starboard side - this means that the tiller will be inside the boat and, if you have a tiller extension, you can stand in the centre of the boat to steer.
Put a couple of extra deck cleats forward about level with the leading edge of the side windows - there is space on mine in the non slip deck coating. This is just where you need to put a 30+ cm ball type fender to avoid pontoon rash when coming alongside!
Don't put the trailer too far in the water when retrieving the boat as there will be a possibility in wind and tide for the boat to fall off the front roller and get trailer rash either side if the keelband. You only need to get the bow engaged with the first set of swivelling rollers and then use the winch. On a reasonably sloping ramp, the trailer wheels only need to be half submerged.
Remember to lower your antenna when trailing - I lost mine to a conker tree in Wiltshire!
The nice guys at Warrior will usually supply you with replacement swivel clips FOC for the trailing canopy when they eventually corode and snap off. They have also sent me some new Warrior stickers and a length of the red & blue coach stripes.
If you have a minor bump and scratch the gelcoat - don't panic! Gelcoat Filler is brilliant, easy to apply and the repair is virtually invisible on a white hull (not so easy to match on the blue hulls though).
Hope to see you on the water one day.