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About DommyBoy

  • Birthday 05/23/1982

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Shark Chaser

Shark Chaser (5/6)



  1. Hi Martin, We are looking at boats all the time - but its the same old problem of having one but not actually using it - the FPO and kids taking up all my spare time ha ha! We will no doubt get another one in the next few years though - but something about 14' that is easy to trail around and not too spacious on our folks drive way! Both of us are well, lots going on as ever but not enough fishing - Dan has got himself a little kayak that he has done a bit of fishing from but still early days with the experience on it - ill probably get one for next year as well! Be good to catch up with everyone again at some point. Dom
  2. Hi ladies & gents - it has been some 3 years since I last visited this site (I think). I don't know why either, I guess its since we sold our boat and I lost touch with the boat fishing world! Well I am back now and thought I would send a quick hello to everyone that has no doubt been missing me for the last 3+ years :-) It would be good to catch up with a few faces soon as well - I may even make a cheeky trip to a meeting soon! Fish Onnnnnn! Regards Dommyboy!
  3. So is anyone else heading out tomorrow? I have not been out for so long that I would ideally like a buddy boat if I was to go out as the conditions are not looking too spectacular...would liek a few expert opinions on what your thoughts are on weather for tomorrow? Windguru seems inconsistent.....HELP!!!!! Dom
  4. Hi guys, I was looking at weather yesterday and Saturday looked good...how things can change! I was looking at a trip out for my first trip since January but now looks like its going to blow up so not ideal. Is the Solent worth a trip for Cod or should I save my time and money and wait until next time? Thanks fella's Dom
  5. Hi Lofty, I was speaking to a retired charter skipper last week who was telling me that he regularly drifts inshore in-front of Milford Shingle Bank at this time of the year and has plenty of Ray. He was saying that he was only a few hundred yards off the shore.....! Might be worth a go. I have had Ray, Sole, Turbot etc etc from the shore there so no doubt you'll pick them up if you drift for them properly! Tight lines. Dom
  6. Hi guy. Thanks for all your tips here. I have isolated and removed the VRO system and now running her on a 50:1 pre-mix. She runs like a dream and no poxy alarm. Now just need some decent weather for our maiden voyage! Thanks Dom
  7. This was taken on my way to work this morning between Bransgore & Ringwood......so much for the droughts!!!!
  8. DommyBoy

    Marine Timber

    Hi guys One of my colleagues is looking to restore a boat and he is struggling to find Marine timber suppliers locally. They apparently need it for the internal fitting out. Your help is gratefully received. Thanks gentlemen!!! Dom
  9. Hi guys, I came across this site today which gives the numbers of a few wrecks locally around the IOW. Has anyone fished any of these and if so are they worth a go? http://www.chippenhamdivers.co.uk/lookup/sfx_3_s.htm Dom
  10. Couldnt agree more Jim. What an amazing club to be part of, thanks for all the help here chaps, especially Dave, we'll have a look over the engine at the weekend and see what we come up with....no doubt Danny or I shall be pestering you experts for further assistance as we go! Thanks Dom
  11. Cheers Trev and others....looking forward to when me and danny get to take her for her maiden voyage and to bag ourselves a few lumps! Think we've got us a tidy little tub there!!! Pick her up tomorrow. Dom
  12. And another....
  13. A couple of pics of mine and Dans new boat....17' Wilson Flyer!!!!
  14. were hoping to pick her up later this week.....its always nice to get a new toy!!! Bring on the fish!!!!!
  15. DommyBoy

    bad joke

    Oooh....trust me....I have worse!!! Much worse lol.
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