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About Fugazi

  • Birthday 07/07/1952

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Shark Chaser (5/6)



  1. Cheers Guys, Yes it was a really nice day spent with friends from Dorset who came to stay for the weekend, but I could'nt get out fishing. Gordon
  2. Fugazi

    Alderney Report

    I just wanted to add to the report a thank you to Dave and the rest of the crew for another excellent trip. Best weather ever and plenty of target species caught including a couple of nice by catches Red Gurnard and Bass. Unable to view the thread but probably because I only renewed my membership by PayPal yesterday. Gordon H
  3. 1. Tony D 1,4,9 2. Martin B 1,4,9 3. Craig 2,4,8 4.Ashley 2,4,8 5.Ben 2,4,9 6 Alun J. 3, 4, 8. 7 Peter 1,4,9 8 Rob F 3,4,9 9 Paul D 2,4,7 10 Steve S 2,4,7 11. Paul F 3, 4, 8 12, Duncan 2, 4, 9 13, Graham 3,4, 8 14, Greg 2,4,7. 15 Dave E 2,4,8 16 Paul Simmonds 3,4,8 17 Mark Sterne 1,4,8 18 kev 2,4,7 19 Nigel 3,4,8 20 Dean Burt 1,4,9 21 Matt 1,4,9 22 Gordon H 2,4,7
  4. Rob I'd love to fish the open, it all depends on how quickly our purchase of a buy to let property in Lower Parkstone goes through. If we complete before the 4th September I'll be down for a couple of weeks to do some renovation work, I'm sure I could arrange it around the date and persuade the FPO to let me take a day off. Gordon
  5. Yes the view is superb, but very frustrating as at the moment as I'm teased every low water by the sight of huge mullet playing in the shallows around the moorings. I'm going sneak paddle the RIB up to them and eventually add one to my species hunt tally. Gordon
  6. Here in The Haven I usually see the Marine Police in their RIB every day as they check around the moorings and patrol the waterway. They spend quite a bit of time visiting the marina's and chandlery shops to chat with boat and business owners about what's going on. I don
  7. Another picture
  8. If anyone is interested in a 2004 model 6HP Mercury Outboard purchased new by me in 2006 as an auxilliary outboard for Fugazi send me a PM and I'll bring it down to Poole this weekend. Full service history with Mercury main dealer and < 10hours run from new. Never needed and only used to run it in on Xcurch river. Price
  9. Here is a picture of boat with no name. Gordon
  10. Despite now living 200 miles away from Poole I still keep up to date with what's going on in the Forums. Having sold the Raider I'd been boat less since the end of last year but a month ago bought a small RIB to replace Fugazi. Don't have a name for it yet, but it's proving ideal for use here on fishing, diving and seal watching trips. The fuel economy from a 40hp EFI outboard on a light boat is amazing, provided I keep the revs at about 4000. So far Heidi and I have managed 4 fishing trips and just using feathers we've managed to catch Mackerel, Pollack, Wrasse, Launce & Tub Gurnard. Have not tried any sort of bait fishing as this tends to require some waiting around for bites which doesn't fit with Heidi's attention span. On Saturday I had a chat with a local spear fisherman has he came off the beach carrying a crate full of good size Bass and he's given me some marks to try next time, so watch this space. It
  11. If you look at the BBC interactive map of wind farms around the UK it
  12. Cheers Paul your welcome, regarding Bass marks the first property we're viewing next Thursday is a barn conversion with 7 acres that fronts a tidal estuary, the owner say's his neighbour catches Bass there regularly, so I've found one mark already. Gordon
  13. I share everyone
  14. Fugazi

    Fugazi Sold

    After weeks of tense negotiation, I've sold Fugazi to another club member and sadly had to wave goodbye today. I hope Mike has as much enjoyment as I've had the last 6 years fishing, diving and generally mucking about on the water. I didn't even need to advertise as she was sold through the club forum which was great, this means my move to West Wales is still on track. If anyone wants to buy a 2 bed detached bungalow in Wimborne or a 3 bed detached bungalow in Parkstone please PM for details. I've still got a canoe and my 6HP outboard and will be buying a 12 - 14 ft dinghy to get afloat in Wales. Paul J tells me the Bass fishing at Poppet Sands is quite good. Gordon H
  15. Fugazi will be out, but not fishing the comp as its going to be boat demo with some fishing thrown in. Gordon
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