After seeing the forecast, could resist getting out for the day and I didn't regret it.
The Mackerel were quite hard to find, with just the odd one or two about and without any other bait, we spent about an hour catching a dozen or so for bait.
Not much tide and flat calm for anchored up and we started catching almost instantly. Ray after ray, my mate had a ball using his carp rod!
I put my gopro down and noticed there were some bass down there, so put on a longer trace and a bigger bait and the rod slammed over almost instantly, landed the fish and the bait was in good condition, so left it on and within 5 minutes had another.
In all about 15 - 20 rays, 2 bass and lots and lots of very greedy dogfish. We were out from 9AM until after 7PM, but it seemed like 5 minutes.
Can't seem to find a way to embed images from google photos on this forum so here is a link