After a long period of time using Star Turn as a driveway ornament, the time has come to get her back to a useable condition.
Looking at the trailer, it needs all sorts of bits replaced, probably most things other than the actual chassis, which is absolutely fine.
I would do this, but the trailer was never really big enough for the boat anyway, so I figure I'd be better off looking out for a decent 'correct' trailer, and moving mine on as a project for someone to refurbish.
New ones look lovely, but are out of my budget,
So I'm on the lookout for a trailer for a heavy (I reckon easily 850kg with fuel on board) 18' Shetland Family Four, please.
So it must be braked.
Also I'd very much prefer rollers, as the old one had bunks which brought launch and recovery challenges in anything except perfect conditions.
There's no rush, (as Star Turn is going to get a bit of a tidy up this year) but if you know of a good trailer for sale, please let me know!