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  1. Need Ideas for Christmas Gifts? Alan
  2. alankirby

    Christmas Bird

    Made me smile http://pbsbac.co.uk/photoalbum/albums/user...ristmasBird.wmv How do you edit the title ? missed the `h` in christmas. Alan
  3. alankirby

    Hi Folks

    Hi, Just wonderd if you remember my boat and its owner as it came from Conwy. It`s a Merry Fisher 635 called "Whiplash of Conwy" Cheers Alan
  4. Details can be found here Commercail endorsments And here Requirements Hope this helps Alan
  5. Can`t belive that this sort of thing is still going on. Shark Tournament Sees Little Conflict Alan
  6. Bet your glad Tom you didn`t hook this one !!!!
  7. Thanks for all the info, i`ll e-mail this web page to my friend so he can have a look. I knew you were the people to ask. Alan
  8. Thanks for the replys guys. Should have added that my friend has a racing dingy about 6m long and not a fishing boat. Just found the website www.boatlaunch.co.uk looks like it has all the info on the slipways around poole. Cheers Alan
  9. I`ve got a friend with a boat and they are looking for a slipway in the Rockley Park area. I think there is one at Rockley Park but as you guys are down that way i thought you could give me some info. He`s looking for a slipway with storage for the car and trailer and won`t cost a small fortune. Are there any better ones than the Rockley Park one but in that area?? Any idea of prices?? Cheers Alan
  10. Just wondered if anyone else has a reel by Tica. I just bought a multiplier on Ebay and it came from Malaysia in 2 days,
  11. Spot on Tom. just thought i would add to the thread that any tank made for keeping mackerel alive should have a flow of fresh sea water. Found a site a while ago which said, i quote "The common mackerel has no swimbladder and uses a passive gill ventilation form of breathing. The fish swim mouth open and the gill chambers expanded, thus water flows through the gills. (Ramjet effect) This saves engery which is used by other fish to pump water through the gills when the mouth closes. Therefore it must move to live, if the fish is not swimming it will drown." I think that sorts that out. The site is here if any one is interested Mackerel Alan
  12. Just a little video to show what trawlers are doing to our sea.
  13. I`ve just about finished my livebait tank but now i have a question about the pump. My boat only has one battery which is 110AH, my Yanmar engine has an 80A alternator. Do you think it would be ok to run the pump (Rule 360) all the time or should i just run it now and then to change the water in the tank ?? I don`t want to end up with a battery that won`t start the engine !! I have the pump rigged with the in-let hose going in near the top of the tank through a hole in the side,down to the bottom of the tank and a 32mm waste fitting near the top for the water to drain out over the side of the boat. I`ll take some pics the weekend and post them to show how i did it if you like. Cheers everyone Alan
  14. alankirby

    Boat Info

    Martin, That makes more sense. I thought it sounded a bit dodgy, out that far in a small boat. Cheers Alan
  15. alankirby

    Boat Info

    16`6" boat and 30 miles out in awful weather sounds like a deathwish to me Alan
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