dont know whether your interested, but a mate of mine has a house in Cape Coral, Florida. Its a 4 double bedroom(2 en suite) house with swimming pool, air con and all the other mod cons you would expect. Cape Coral is on the west coast of Florida about 70 miles south of Tampa.
Best of all, the house comes furnished with a 23 foot walk around Skiff with a 175hp Yamaha on the rear. On arrival at the house (2 hours drive from Miami or 20 mins from Ft Myers Airport if you use an internal flight) there is a phone number of a guy called Captain Bob that comes round for two hours, takes you out, and tells you how to operate the boat where the channel markers where to get fuel etc.
Then your on your own!!!!!!
Within ten mins of the house there are Tarpon flats a plenty, fish run up to about 200 or so and 100 pounders are reasonably common.
20 minutes in the other direction and there are some deeper spots full of Tarpon, Bull sharks, Nurse sharks and Black tip (or spinner) sharks. The Tarpon average 100, the bulls and nurses up to 300 or so. This is still in the Caloosahatchee River.
Half an hour from the house is Sannibel Bridge And the exit to the Gulf. 20 miles off brings you into cobalt blue waters and the possibillity of just about all the major pelagics except billfish. Groupers up to God knows what size, (you can see em on the sonar as your playing them) lost most of the biggies but landed one of 350. (have posted a pic of Carl, owner of house, leaning over the boat to one we guess at 500 plus) The hammer heads go up to 1000lb or so but generally hang round Boca Grande Pass waiting for anglers tired Tarpon caught by the fleet of boats that fish there.
I've been there 5 times now and it really is fantastic. Took Rupert and his missus last year, he had a nurse shark of nearly 300, a lemon shark of the same size and a Tarpon of 140, his missus had a Tarpon of 120 and I jumped about 20 but never got one to the boat
The house costs about 900 quid a week, not a lot split between 3 or four couples. Just flights and a hire car required.
If your interested I'll put you in touch with him. Only lives in Ferndown.