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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by BigMac

  1. BigMac

    Mudeford Bar

    Here's another showing the sand bars a bit clearer. Allan
  2. BigMac

    Mudeford Bar

    Just thought all might want to see photo taken at 7.20 this morning at low water. Its not too clear, but the buoy in the foreground is the one opposite the east end of the quay. Just past the furthest sand bar is the second buoy and just to the right of the coastguard rib is the third buoy, on the far side of the bar.
  3. If anyone decides to put a small group together for a radio course, could I add my name to it? Allan
  4. Terry, I'm also interested in that aspect of trim tabs but cant seem to get those videos to run. Any other sites that may have the same sort of thing? Al
  5. BigMac


    I was down at Mudeford today when the flat bottomed open dory,(that I cant remember the name of) commercial guy arrived back. He had a box and a half of good size plaice, up to about 3 1/2 lbs and one really nice sole about 4lb. Most should know the area he works!!!!! They all looked in good nick too!! Al
  6. BigMac


    Hi Dan, yep, thats me Gave up the freshwater when Rupert Morral and me bought a boat together nearly 4 years ago. Barely fished freshwater since!! What about youself? Al
  7. BigMac


    It is ...........but pronounced " pooket " Al
  8. BigMac


    I' m off to Thailand in the middle of May, Staying in Phuket not far from Chalong pier and me and the missus fancy a 2 day, 1 night fishing safari. I've looked through the web and there is a lot of charter boats to chose from, all round about the same price and all sound brilliant. I was wondering if anyone has any personal experience of fishing in that area, or Skipper/boat names that they could recommend Cheers Al
  9. Adam, dont know whether your interested, but a mate of mine has a house in Cape Coral, Florida. Its a 4 double bedroom(2 en suite) house with swimming pool, air con and all the other mod cons you would expect. Cape Coral is on the west coast of Florida about 70 miles south of Tampa. Best of all, the house comes furnished with a 23 foot walk around Skiff with a 175hp Yamaha on the rear. On arrival at the house (2 hours drive from Miami or 20 mins from Ft Myers Airport if you use an internal flight) there is a phone number of a guy called Captain Bob that comes round for two hours, takes you out, and tells you how to operate the boat where the channel markers where to get fuel etc. Then your on your own!!!!!! Within ten mins of the house there are Tarpon flats a plenty, fish run up to about 200 or so and 100 pounders are reasonably common. 20 minutes in the other direction and there are some deeper spots full of Tarpon, Bull sharks, Nurse sharks and Black tip (or spinner) sharks. The Tarpon average 100, the bulls and nurses up to 300 or so. This is still in the Caloosahatchee River. Half an hour from the house is Sannibel Bridge And the exit to the Gulf. 20 miles off brings you into cobalt blue waters and the possibillity of just about all the major pelagics except billfish. Groupers up to God knows what size, (you can see em on the sonar as your playing them) lost most of the biggies but landed one of 350. (have posted a pic of Carl, owner of house, leaning over the boat to one we guess at 500 plus) The hammer heads go up to 1000lb or so but generally hang round Boca Grande Pass waiting for anglers tired Tarpon caught by the fleet of boats that fish there. I've been there 5 times now and it really is fantastic. Took Rupert and his missus last year, he had a nurse shark of nearly 300, a lemon shark of the same size and a Tarpon of 140, his missus had a Tarpon of 120 and I jumped about 20 but never got one to the boat The house costs about 900 quid a week, not a lot split between 3 or four couples. Just flights and a hire car required. If your interested I'll put you in touch with him. Only lives in Ferndown. Al
  10. BigMac

    Moorings Again

    Paul J, Thanks for that I'll check it out tomorrow Al
  11. BigMac

    Moorings Again

    Tom, Roughly how expensive would that be? I am sitting down. Al
  12. BigMac

    Moorings Again

    Tom, would that be in Poole or Christchurch? Would it be a pontoon mooring? Cheers Al
  13. BigMac


    Hi Adam, course I remember you, who could forget you? Suppose the large ginger one told you about having a beer in the pub while I sat on the the boat 30 yards off the quay in 2 inches of water for 4 and a half hours cause I missed the tide, as well!!!!!! Allan
  14. BigMac

    Moorings Again

    Adam, Me and Rupe are top of the bankside waiting list at the moment with the West Hants but when I spoke to him it was definitely going to be a bankside rather than a pontoon. Bankside would have been alright with the Raider, but we bought "Aquafresh" from Frazer and the thought of anyone just being able to walk on and off it fills me with dread. Trots are out as well. Can you imagine me and Rupe in a pram dinghy? We figure the boat warrants spending a couple of grand or whatever on a secure pontoon to keep it safe. We're in Ribs at the moment but I reckon they'll want us out as soon as they've fitted the new sump on the engine. Appreciate your help. See you out there soon Al
  15. BigMac

    Moorings Again

    Hi all, I am a new club member and already find myself looking for help. I have recently changed my boat and can no longer get on my usual summer mooring above Tuckton Bridge because of radar arch etc. Does anybody know of available pontoon moorings in the Christchurch or Poole Areas? Cheers Allan
  16. BigMac


    Fat Bloke Section sounds sort of exclusive too. Trouble is, my mate is six three. He doesn't really meet the criteria. Mind you, with 23 stone to go with that six foot three, if he wants in, I say let him in!!!! Allan
  17. BigMac


    Thanks for that Martin, Could have looked foolish all on my own. We'll keep our eyes peeled for you Wedger and introduce ourselves if we dont meet you before. Allan
  18. BigMac


    Hi everyone, the name's Allan Mcavoy and over the last month I've really enjoyed checking out the chat in the forums. Seems like everyone has a good laugh at each others expense!!!!! Up until Christmas myself and co-boat owner Rupert owned a Raider 18 running out of Christchurch called " Bassassin ", but have since sold this and are now the proud owners of a 23' Aquafish called " Aquafresh " that also used to run out of Mudeford and was owned by Fraser that I'm sure some of you would of come across fishing the bay. We fish for just about anything that swims but have really purchased this boat specifically to fish further afield and also to put a thresher or a porbeagle alongside. Hopefully there will be someone in the club willing to buddy up and share information. Look forward to meeting some of you at the April meeting (sorry cant make this thursday) and on the water in the near future. We're the two fat blokes in the light blue boat, just give us a wave!! Cheers and tight lines, be safe, Allan
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