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Mike Fox

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Mike Fox last won the day on February 4 2023

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  • Gender
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  • Boat Name
    Feisty Fox

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Marlin Master

Marlin Master (6/6)



  1. Had a great day thanks, 14 species, over 40 fish, including two Axillary Bream, caught about 3 miles apart.
  2. Well done both. I was fishing a competition at Plymouth, departing Mountbatten, and I saw you outside the marina as I was leaving. I hoped then you'd had a good day Mike
  3. and to think I was impressed by the arrival of the redwings this weekend!
  4. Mike Fox


    Summer species are all here still. I had 16 species last Sunday, the charter boat I was on had 22 in total Keep it simple with fresh lively ragworm, mackerel and squid, and you won't go too far wrong. Drifting will catch you fish, but anchoring in sand, and fishing over rock will catch you more. Have a peep in the members only section for typical marks. Good luck!
  5. H Danny, I had a Sidepower unit fitted about 5 years ago. I contracted with Angus Simpson (Davis's Boatyard) to glass in the fibreglass tube below the waterline, fair it in neatly, and fit a watertight bulkhead, in the event of failure or collision. Purbeck Marine (in Cobb's) obtained a Sidepower unit, and did all of the physical and electrical installation, including a battery next to the unit. I was happy with both, they worked well together. The unit itself has been wonderful. I could park Feisty without it, and did so for a year, but it's so much easier with a bowthruster, particularly in confined spaces, and in tricky conditions, such as strong side winds catching the bow at the last minute. Mike
  6. Mike Fox


    I had a trip out on a charter boat from Poole on Friday 28th August, catching 13 species including a codling, bass, plaice, conger, mackerel, garfish, bream, different wrasses, etc with over 50 fish. Three triggers came aboard too, all being returned. I didnt report the catch, as it was on a charter.
  7. Was it all plaice caught? Some fat dabs might have changed the percentages, as might some tiny turbot.
  8. Very well done Allan, you were so far ahead of the rest of us! and thanks again Greg for kindly taking me out!!! It was a great day!
  9. Hey folks, am aware not many have registered yet. I'd still love to fish this comp, as crew on another member's boat. If anyone has a space this weekend, i'll be happy to help with fuel and bait, adding to boat species counts, local knowledge, etc.
  10. Does anyone have space for crew, for these revised dates? Happy to share fuel costs etc. Am still keen to take part, even though my boat is outside of club waters. Thanks,
  11. I am available for crewing either day, if anyone has a space for a little one who might add to your boat species tally! Happy to share fuel costs, etc.
  12. Glad all went well in the end - and well done Hooky!!! I was fishing the Patch last friday on a charter, and small tope to 15lb were biting off snoods. Two came to the boat on conger gear, but bit through before a chance of netting. Mike
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