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Mikey B

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Everything posted by Mikey B

  1. Travellers returned to Baiter Park Monday afternoon. Mett with a large police presence who did not stay long so it will be interesting to see how long the travellers stay I believe only two caravans are allowed now so time will tell. Mikey B
  2. Mikey B


    Take a look at the link below because part of the roof outlet is missing. I would ask a reputable roofing contractors to install the correct fitting. It will leak for ever and a day and cause wet rot if not corrected. https://www.marleyplumbinganddrainage.com/products/rainwater-systems/pvcu-flat-roof-outlets/ Best of luck with the repairs Mikey B
  3. Hi All, I have recently had an issue with my Yamaha F30 Power trim and tilt system. When I left the motor in the raised position over a period of time the motor would very slowly return to the down position. I could trim the motor out ok but slowly it would return to the lowest trim position on its own. On inspection I found no trace of water in the oil (which is great news) so I suspected a failed O ring or a faulty valve assembly. It turned out to be as I suspected one of the seals had failed in one of the shuttle valves. With the motor in the fully raised position and locked place with the trailer lock pin I removed the shuttle valve see picture No 1 a small amount of hydraulic fluid leaked out when the assembly was removed. The shuttle valve consists of two parts. The valve assembly and the shuttle piston see picture No 2 When I dismantled the valve assembly it was easy to see which seal had failed. This tiny O ring (on the end small brass part next to the spring in the photo) is not available as a single item from Yamaha so I had to buy the complete valve assembly. Straightforward replacement of both components and a top up of the hydraulic fluid. Be sure to keep the new component spotlessly clean. Fully Raised and Lowered the motor several time checked the oil level and hey presto no more trim issues. Motor stayed in the fully raised position over night and had not moved an inch. Parts from BHG Marine cost £108inc P+P Hydraulic Oil (Dextron II ) £10 from Halfords. Hollow ground wide screwdriver bit set £15 from Machine Mart. This is a relatively easy DIY fix and will save a huge bill at the main dealers. I was quoted £210.00 just to have a look at the pump with additional parts and labour extra? Mikey B
  4. Hi, Try the fuel tank breather screw it may be screwed closed creating a vacuum in the fuel system. Failing that a carb clean may solve the issue sometimes the pilot jets get block if it's been standing idle. Mikey B
  5. Mikey B

    Boat Talk

    Hi All, I've been running a standard alloy prop on Henry B from new. WOT at 5000 rpm gave a top speed of about 15 knotts with the 12/14" x 9" alloy prop the boat came fitted with. Two crew and all the associated fishing paraphernalia. Changed to the prop to a Stainless Steel 10 x 5/8" x 11" and the difference is amazing. The stainless prop has a more progressive pitch. The alloy prop is much flatter in appearance. I now have a top speed of 19 knotts with a WOT of 5000 rpm with the same load. Also uses a lot less fuel which was a pleasant surprise. The motor does not sound as though its at bursting point as it did with the alloy prop. It always seemed as though I was driving around in 3rd Gear and the prop change has proved it. Mikey B
  6. Mikey B


    Hi Sparky, I had a similar problem with my out-board motor a few years ago. While in forward it suddenly raced forward without my input. It turned out to be a faulty control cable, the outer sleeve had collapsed under load due to unseen internal corrosion. This not only stopped the gears working correctly but also held the throttle open in neutral. Replaced both control cable for the more expensive stainless-steel type and to date have had no further issues. Many years ago, now I witnessed a Ford Transit diesel engine rev to destruction on the M6 due to too much oil in the sump. The engine used the excess lubrication oil as fuel regardless of the throttle openings and the driver was unable to turn the engine off. It final stopped when a con rod broke and to oil poured out onto the road. Hope it’s something simple Mikey B
  7. Mikey B

    Boat talk

    Hi All, I'm back on the water this week end after a very long lay off. Been in hospital for surgery on mans bits (not to be recommended) Well on the mend now but I have to take it easy from now on (getting old) The rectifier issue turned out to be a faulty battery. No other issues found and no corrosion of terminals etc. Replacing the battery, rectifier and some of outboard motor wiring turned out to be an expensive repair. 14.43 volts now on both batteries under load with the motor running in a test tank. Only sea trials will tell so only pottering about in thee harbour this week end. I'll let you know how it goes Mikey B
  8. I would check the relay first Remove wires may be two or three from the relay and connect to a car battery. Being DC polarity is not important as it should run one way or the other. If it runs it's not the brushes Mikey B
  9. Mikey B

    Heater hose

    Hi,   Try lindab in Chandlers Ford Eastleigh.   2 mayflower Close Chandlers Ford Eastleigh SO53 4AR   Tel: 02380262111   Specialist HVAC suppliers of all aspects of flexible ducting. You may need to take a piece with you though.   Worth a try   Mikey B 
  10. Mikey B

    Engine Talk

    Hello All, Our fishing trip was brought to an abrupt halt yesterday (Sunday). We set of bright and early for some fishing by Old Harry. One the way out in the main shipping channel near Brownsea Castle all the engine instruments shut down. This is odd because the motor was running fine as was the radio and navigation equipment. Not being able to see anything wrong I took the cautious approach and headed back to the slipway thinking if I stop the motor will it start again while a sea? On arrival in the shallows at Baiter Park we dropped the anchor for a better look. Turned off the ignition and on re trying everything went dead? Now unable to raise the motor we waited for the tide to drop before putting the boat back on the trailer for a better look on dry land. Back in the car park it was plain to see the rectifier had caught fire under the engine cover. See photos of the offending item when removed. The damage was confined to the rectifier although the two yellow wire look like the need to be replaced. Good job I turned around as if could have been a lot worse. I would urge members with the same motor to check the back of the rectifier from time to time. Replacement parts, wire, fuses etc £280.00inc Vat. Mikey B
  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/24/theresa-may-announce-uk-will-reclaim-waters-british-fishermen/ In the Telegraph today Theresa May expected to announce wihtin weeks that the UK will reclaim its waters fro British fishermen by pulling out of a deal that pre-dates the EU.......... Common sense prevails..............! Mikey B.
  12. Mikey B

    Boat Talk

    Hi all, I'm about to start an MNEA 2000 installation in my boat. Simrad Go7 and Icom M506 AIS both MNEA 2000. I know the Back Bone will require a power supply on a centre branch and that a terminator should be fitted at each end of the group. Can I use a 4 way connector block but leave one connection free for future use? Any advice would be appreciated. Mikey B
  13. Mikey B

    Boat Talk

    Hi, Before I take the plunge and buy an AIS setup. How many club boats actually have AIS ? Mikey B
  14. Hi, Before I take the plunge and buy an AIS setup. How many club boats actually have AIS ? Mikey B
  15. Thanks for the response. Which cartography is best for the Poole bay and Salcombe areas. Navionics or C map I will need a chart to cover both areas. Mikey B
  16. Hello All, Henry B is due an update with regards to the plotter etc. All of which is now over 12 yrs old. Still works ok but now out of date. Looking at a Simrad Go7 with a free chart and an Icom IC-M506 AIS both of which are MNEA 2000. I know the Icom is a bit expensive but you only retire once so it's now or never. AIS is new to me so any advice on this would be appreciated. Mikey B
  17. Thanks guys for the birthday gettings. Ive not been well since October but hopefuly the operation at the end of this moth will sort it out. I hope to attend the next club meeting. Regards Mikey B
  18. Hi Dan, Check out the link below. http://www.videomaker.com You should find the answer you are looking for on the forum. Also a few articles on the Go Pro. With regards to the editing software try Power Director Suite, all the facilities you are ever likely to need including all the raw file conversions etc. You need to convert the raw files to MP4,AVI or WMV. the software will give you all the options including the ability to upload your video movies to YouTube. Mikey B
  19. http://www.thewp-group.co.uk/contact_the_wp_group.html Try giving John Rushmer a call Tel: 02380013112. I recently purchased 20ltrs (Minimum order) Mobil 1 10W40 @ £3.80 per ltr. When I collected my order he did say the sold 2 stroke oil both Mineral and synthetic. It's worth a call but be aware they do have a minimum quantity order. Mikey B
  20. Mikey B

    Yamaha F30

    Following on from my post Yamaha F30 DIY Repairs/Service I've attached a few photos at various stages of the repair and one of the tools used. In one of the photos the wear on the drive shaft can clearly been seen this was the first indication something was not right. Although it looks badly corroded it is actually build up of salt which although hard is quite easy to remove. I was surprised to find no corrosion of the alloy housing, any damage caused while removing the salt incrustation was easily re painted with a primer etch spray paint. Mikey B
  21. Mikey B

    Yamaha F30

    DIY Motor repair and serving Yamaha F30.doc
  22. Simply extend the draw bar and move the winch post forward. In my case the tow vehicle was too close to allow the tail gate to open. I extended the draw bar by 500mm using 100 x 8mm channel with 500mm overlap. I would also recommend replacing the pressed steel tow hitch with the more substantial cast iron version. Fit tubes inside the box section to avoid crushing when tightening the HTS bolt. A few coats of silver Hamerite paint will help with corrosion. I also moved the axle forward to give the required nose weight. Mikey B
  23. Try one of these http://catalyticconvertertheft.com/ Mikey B
  24. Mikey B

    winch post

    Hi Gary, Try giving Peter Blake a call at Sureweld. Tel. 01202532487. 10&12 Yeomans way. Bournemouth Dorset BH8 0BJ At the rear of ASDA at Castle Point open (0800-1700 Mon Fri). He has done no end of welding for me in the past including my front mounted tow-bar. Just take it round to the yard and I'm sure he will make a much heavier set for you and get it Galvanised at the same time. Mikey B
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