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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by steven5404

  1. Yeah I'll take them thanks will call you tomorrow if that's ok. Thanks steve
  2. Hi Chris, I would like to take the radio, however would it be ok for you to post it and i will pay the postage and for the radio up front? thanks steve
  3. Thanks Nigel, I thought that might be the case as I could not find any info but thought I would double check just to make sure.in Wales you had to be licensed even to take any for personal consumption.
  4. in Wales it is 2 lobster, 5 crab and 1 kg of prawn. I read somewhere that it was 1 lobster and 10 crab, although I cannot remember where.
  5. Hi guys, just a quick question that I cannot find an answer for on the Internet. Do I need a licence to catch lobster and crab in a couple of pots for personal consumption. I hold a licence for Wales but cannot find anything for the south of England. Thanks steve
  6. Thanks, if they are compatible I will have the radio, ariel and mount, thanks steve
  7. Oh and I don't suppose you have an ariel for sale as well or is that being too cheeky lol😛
  8. Does the vhf need to have the old mmsi number cleared by a dealer before a new one can be installed? The reason I ask is I am currently after a new one thanks steve
  9. Have the navigation lights gone?
  10. Oh well it was worth a try. I know a mark in Westbay where I can catch pollock to 10 lb off a reef and a wreck but would have liked to have kept it local. Think I might have to have ago at catching one of those divers at least they would put a bend in the rod lol p.s I would act strictly on catch and release😇😂
  11. I bought this app after seeing this thread and have noted that there are several wrecks relatively close to the shore around the poole area. My question is does anybody know if they hold fish and are they safe to fish. I was looking at the iona, surdela, fluer de lys and in particular the kyarra
  12. We got ours from Manchester fish market but this is what your looking forhttps://www.swiss-knife.com/en/victorinox-fillet-knife.html
  13. I used to work as a fishmonger for a few years and the only knives I would use are the victorinox, the best in my view is the thicker bladed version as the flexible blade version sometimes leaves a millimetre of flesh on the blade.
  14. Brilliant, just brilliant.
  15. Hi guys, just joined the the club and thought I would introduce myself. My names Steve and I live in Cheltenham so therefore I don't manage to get afloat as much as a lot of you lucky guys. I recently purchased a 16 ft osprey with a 70hp evinrude and was looking for a club that could help me with the knowledge I need to catch a few fish. I have shore fished for 20 years and decided to get a boat after about 5 years of charter fishing. I will be out on the water hopefully (weather permitting) on the 23rd-24th April. Not sure where to fish yet but hoping someone on here could help with that.hope to meet you on the water soon, Steve
  16. Hi guys, could somebody please tell me if there is a welcome pack explaining about your club. I would like to join a club and have researched quite a bit and wherever I look I keep finding your club as being the best. I am new to boat fishing and have a 16 ft osprey with a 70hp evinrude on the back. I am not a complete novice however and have previously been out on charters and am experienced from the shore.I have been out on beo wolf from poole and think what you have on offer to you is amazing. I am unfortunately based in cheltenham and therefore not able to attend A lot of meetings but would love to learn from what seem like a great bunch on here. Thanks Steve
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