hello there my name is Gary from poole
Im a very keen fisherman have have just purchased my first 14 ft fishing boat.
I have joined here to talk with people and gain some experience with regards to boat fishing.
Over the years i have caught some super fish including a 3.5 lb sea trout and a 2.5lb Twaite shad from poole quay many years ago when i was at school around 1995.
I also love coarse fishing and have had pike to 20lb,carp to 37.5 Lb and barbel to 13lb.
My biggest bass of around 5 lbs was actually caught at the Royalty fishery in christurch in the lower reaches of the Avon on a live bait dace.
I am very experienced at fishing however i will be the first to admit when it comes to using a boat I'm a complete novice.
I have used it 2 weeks ago and me and my friend did catch two red gurnard.
I must admit i thought the fishing would have been better around bournemouth and the ferry area and no sign of bass and further out no mackerel.
does any body have any advice on this please?
One other thing i am concerned about id i have purchased a Dejon 14 boat and i have read loads of bad things about them since.
i thought it seemed completely fine in the harbour and off the beach in calm conditions ,,and i wouldn't want to be out far and i bad conditions anyway.
i just wanted to no if any one else has any views on this boat please or advice?
look forward to hearing from you
kind regards