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DogFish catcher

DogFish catcher (3/6)



  1. Paul Is that you that I've seen standing as you say chest deep off the bank at the entrance (river end) of Christchurch harbour? If it is hat's off to you and well done, but you know the question that I want answered?.......Well what do you do? Steve
  2. Pugwash


    No Sorry.....I'm not a real cartoonist???!!! Steve
  3. Pugwash


    At the start of a couple of weeks holiday to enjoy the best of the English summer, the galley slave and I were exercising a good few knots up the Solent towards Beaulieu this morning between the showers (deluges). All of a sudden the wife (for it was she) pointed towards the Isle of Wight and said " that looks like a tornado!" After a few minutes of watching the tornado like finger snake towards the ground (crikey what prose!) we were both convinced that it was indeed a tornado. Local T.V.news later confirmed that there had been one on the island. I've never seen one before - Spookey! Looked just like the ones you see on the telly though. Steve
  4. Sean, Dont be hard on yourself, everyone starts somewhere. The fact that you have taken the trouble to do some research and join the forum shows that you are taking a sensible approach. As someone who started from scratch myself not so long ago, I 'd definitely echo the advice to join the club if you can. There is a huge amount of knowledge on fishing, fun and safety that will be given readily. And you'll catch fish as a result - I guarantee it Steve
  5. I think you'll find it's me that does Tellytubbies!! Ta! Steve
  6. Well done Dan! By the way is that a special cod tempting hat that you are wearing in the picture? Ta! Steve
  7. If you are drawing 2 feet it might even be an idea not to risk it more than 1.5 hours either side of HIGH water. As others have said a combination of current and swell can drop the old prop nicely on the bottom. Chart datum is I think around 0.5 metres. If we call that 18 inches in old money you can see what I mean. It worried me at first, you could almost cut the tension with a knife on my boat. You soon get used to it though and we all ding props at some time or other. Or in my case nearly all the time! It's probably better to be over cautious at first until you get the feel of things. Steve
  8. Pugwash

    Be On Tv ?

    What's the story with Boats and Outboards? Steve
  9. There was a similar one rep[orted from a Chris Tarrant Capital Radio Show......... another quiz final to win a fantastic holiday(funnily enough) and the contestant was a woman. ( It was a few years ago) CT "Name the famous commentator that covers all Fomula 1 Motor racing on T.V. and you WILLl win our fabulous star prize". Contestant "OOOh I know it oh crikey yes I can picture him now........I just can't think of his name" CT Well take your time I must accept your first answer" Contestant "Oh OOOH I just cant get it" CT "As it's the final I'm going to give you a clue...His name is very just like something you suck without hurrying!" Contestsant " Oh yes I've got it now! .....Dickie Davies!!!" Ta Steve
  10. Live mackeral or artificial lure???
  11. Gulp!!!!
  12. I have been reading the many and varied catch reports recently with some envy. As a newcomer to the sport I have particularly enjoyed the reports from the Bass fishermen. With all species there is clearly a huge amount of skill and experience in the club and so I decided to try and put some of the advice to good use. During a beeeeyuwtifull session last Sunday whilst catching Bream etc with the dearly beloved (for it was she) I decided that it was time to become a Bass catcher. So a quick up anchor and a short steam to one of the likely locations was the decision. A few mackeral were obtained for bait and a live one introduced into the water and encouraged to perform some 70 yds astern. I won't bore you with lengthy detail as far better anglers than me have been through those bits. Suffice it to say that the following happened. My first propper Bass at 5lbs. So if there are others out there like me new to Sea angling my advice is go on give it a go! The methods discussed on this site do work! I can't wait for the next one now Steve
  13. Are you sure that the bollards and other defences are not there to stop the supporters getting OUT of the ground before full time next season? Steve
  14. If it is a Forty Plus an NGK A-6 is the chap. Should be easily available. Steve
  15. From the photo it looks like it could be a Forty Plus. Log on to www.saving-old-seagulls.co.uk That website will help you through a process that will help you to id the engine Steve
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