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Everything posted by Timmy2Stroke

  1. I hope it is now sorted. I have explained to them that I have tried to find out the make / model but have not found out yet. I have said when it comes out of the water I will search everywhere for some sort of identifying marks. I currently have a insurance certificate with 2 x Question Marks in the make / model boxes which they were happy enough about. I think if the value of the boat was higher they may have been more concerned.
  2. It is kept at North Haven - while its insured!! I rang the Insurance brokers and they are looking into it for me - they think it is just a standard letter that has been sent out so hopefully all will be ok. Thanks for your help - hopefully will stumble across another one day and solve the mystery.
  3. Hello, I would appreciate help with identifying the make / model of my boat. My insurance company is threatening to cancel my policy unless I can find out. They were happy to accept my money at the time and wrote TBC on the form but now they are following up on it. The previous owner didn't know the make either as they bought second hand. The only thing to go on is that it is 19ft. I have Googled many images but have not come across a match. Any ideas?
  4. Hello, I'm Tim and I jointly own a 19ft Cabin Fisher of unknown make/model. This is actually the reason I Googled 'Small boat forums' and found this site. I had heard of PBSBAC before but I must admit never looked into it any further. I will start a new thread in the appropriate section about our current boat. This is our 3rd boat in the last 15 or so years. We try to go out fishing when time allows and am certainly far from expert at it! Like boating we bumble on through enjoying ourselves. We had a 21ft Mayland for a couple of years (that was far more suited to canals than the open sea and about 15ft of the 21ft was cabin), then upgraded to an 18ft Icelander. This was sold through lack of use - then immediately was missed. So 18 months ago bought the current boat. We missed last season as we had to source an outboard for it and did a general tart up before putting in the water a couple of weeks ago.
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