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Chris B

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Everything posted by Chris B

  1. Foxy Fisher. Graham Chris
  2. Foxy fisher 3 comp results Chris B. 1 lb 10 oz Graham tried hard
  3. Foxy fisher 3. Graham and Chris B. Bream comp. thanks.
  4. Done Chris B. Max B
  5. Chris B


    What a great day (although short due to weather conditions) we had. It was theFirst time that I had met Allen and being a novice I was hoping to pick up some good cod catching tips and looking at Allan's rigs and three course banquet that he slowly dropped over the side I thought possibly I should be aiming slightly higher with my estimation of what I should be hoping to catch, but having every faith in my skipper Graham I dropped my single squid over the side and after a few attempts it was on. COD said Graham Conger said Allan I didn't have a clue I thought I'd hooked the bottom of the boat but after a short hard wind it was on board, my first cod. We tried for another hour but only a few doggies and a couple of whiting but well worth the effort, I've been with Graham for a while now and if any body ever gets the chance to come out with us grab it you will always go home with a full stomach and very rarely do we have a total blank. Great boat Great skipper and a joy to fish with. Cheers Allan really nice to have fished along side you Chris B
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