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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Looks like Sunday 7th may be a weather window.....well!, from this distance; let's hope it holds......I'll be in. Alun.
  2. alun j.


    Yes.....off-putting........must be some natural, defence response!! I always cut out a fair chunk around encysted worms in cod \ whiting; never seen them in macks! Further research........... some of those roundworms can infect [but there are medicines!] ..... many are 'digested'. As they are easy to see........cut out and cook ...or reject[on a little mackerel]. 'Possible' risk.......... wouldn't stop me enjoying sashimi etc. .....nor bacteria in oysters, scallops, cockles etc. Alun.
  3. link comes up.............but is blank!
  4. alun j.


    Yep !! Nematode worms [often found in bottom feeders like cod, whiting, dogfish and gurnard]. Definitely.....cooking will kill these and fish will be perfectly fine. Not sure if you ate the fish raw [ sashimi style]! You would see them in prepping and reject fish. I know there are some worms you can pick up from raw fish but these are mostly the tapeworms [ different Phylum]. I would think your digestive system would kill them [Nematodes] as the environment in fish is very different to mammals and their life cycles are tuned to passing through fish hosts and their invertebrate food. Lastly, I don't think they are common in mackerel....... I've filleted loads this 'Summer' and not seen them........but have in the cod and whiting earlier. Alun.
  5. alun j.


    pan-fried fillets with pesto and tomato .... is nice with this well-flavoured firm fish!
  6. alun j.


    smoked mackerel starter....... teryaki bass with prawns 5 guests..........no complaints!! lots of wine....so feeling tired now!
  7. alun j.


    What a difference a day makes!! Today........straight into the mackerel! First drift two bass; better one goes 6lb. 8. Another on the next drift......then all goes quiet as the tide dies. A different 'zone' for the ebb and pick up two more but by now boat traffic is busy .....where are they all going?? Is there an airshow?? by 2pm, when we pack up to catch the tide, we've seen just one plane....and he seemed to be over the wrong beach! Great morning, super calm weather and good company. Poor Rich, kept trying but no takes!!......his lively mackerel must have been deploying some 'cloaking device'!! Here's hoping Sept. brings some more days like this. Alun.
  8. Conditions seemed ideal today.......except for those noisey planes!! Took a while to find the mackerel......then there were plenty!! Drift speed was just right.......but no bass!!....... only a few tentative plucks\mini-runs!! ; then my bait tank packed up with a broken wire [found later !]. Only thing I could think of was the water is really clear at present...... drifting in 5 metres of water and you can see the bottom clearly.... not normally like this in Christchurch!! Giving it another go in the morning.......out a bit earlier.......See if I can do better. Alun.
  9. Well done !!, you two!! All looking shipshape, tidy and efficient! Obviously on-task and focused!! I won't be able to tempt you away with another trip for Mr. Spikey!! Alun.
  10. I'm sure I can help out a bit...... esp. if he wants to come this end of the Bay. Adam........feel free to pass my number on to Craig. Alun.
  11. No Paul, I think Les found your favourite bit of rock on Fri. morning!
  12. Adam and I only managed 4 bass [ 2 each]; best went to me at 5 lb. 11 oz. Lovely morning; lots of mackerel and conditions seemed perfect.... but it was slow. ......then the wind got up, traffic increased and less peaceful! But the sun came back out to enjoy a lunchtime beer in!! A very pleasant day.......except for the speedboats! Alun.
  13. 48 hrs., starting 7pm this eve. ....... so Sun and Mon.
  14. Well..........this is one comp. that I can fish as it's on this Sat. We have visitors for the Bank Hol. and my disappearig the day they arrive would not have been appropriate!! Thanks! Alun.
  15. ......or even Dec. !!
  16. NO Neal !! I didn't win this one last year [which I think was the first year of it??]. I do know where there could be a couple of big ones capable of winning....and will be trying if the weather allows! On current form, I could spend half the day hunting for livelies!! Here's hoping a good double figure fish gets to win the trophy. .....whoever gets it.........good luck! Alun.
  17. Adam and me on Gastronaut. Alun.
  18. alun j.


    ....looks like the next possible [??] trip out. Will the mackerel be as difficult to find?? Do I need to practice for Sat.'s Bass comp.?? Do I need crew ?? [ it will be early!] I think I'm sorted for Sat.... but not Fri. Weather will prevail but looks like it might improve Alun.
  19. Must be the murky water !! I really struggled to find any quantity of livebait. Going [a bit] further out didn't help ......the ones I got were scattered all over. As Paul said, it was a beautiful morning, but didn't last as a freshening S. breeze got up before noon. Three 'runs', two bass.....the better one went 4 lb. 4 oz.........cracking scrap on light gear......all around the boat [twice!]! A different approach and a different venue will be needed over the weekend with the grotty weather due to come back! Alun.
  20. pretty clear on the charts.
  21. Hi John, How much water do you need?? As long as you avoid LW......allow a couple of hours either side, you should find the channel OK. Stick between the marker buoys; it can shallow up very quickly outside of the channel. I use Mudeford and avoid the long drag down the harbour at 4 kts. Alun.
  22. alun j.


    ....at last.......fingers crossed.
  23. Yes, that looks familiar to me. Alun.
  24. I'll be in ...... fishing with my [visiting ] brother [not a member] Alun.
  25. alun j.

    live bait

    My set up is more simple and portable. My Rule pump is on the end of that stiffish thick, clear plastic tubing that runs into tank. It is stiff enough to hold the pump away from the hull a few inches and will do so at trolling speeds. When belting back up the drifts or going further afield, I swing the pipe inboard and drop it into the tank where it then recirculates and aerates the water effectively. I have the Rule 500....but I think this is too much after a couple of years experience. When it goes pop, I'll replace it with the smaller 360 one. Alun.
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