Good call Adam; it turned out too windy and would have made most bream spots too uncomfortable.
We bumped round the corner and fished D. Ledge for a couple of breamless hours, where we we joined by about 6 charters [in close formation!!] who didn't seem to fare any better.
The wind freshened and mover around from NE, through E and went SE for a while. Before then, we explored further west and ended up in Chapman's Pool; interesting ground, lots of water close in and sheltered in the sunshine. Fishing was lively for a while with pollack, rays and wrasse.......but no sign of any bream here!!
Met up , briefly, with Duncan on Claret and Blue......... a nice looking Warrior 175
.......who had steamed up from Kimmeridge......... and joined us doing circles in the funny tidal streams in our sunny corner!
Good day out..........but glad it wasn't the Bream Comp.!
Thanks Paul....... Imagine is a great fishing platform........and breezed through that rough stuff under the Purbecks ........Great bacon sarnies and supply of tea!!