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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. ..........I've got a spare 7000 NLD.....brand new!
  2. alun j.

    Fitting A Towbar

    I can also recommend Towsure in Southampton; they did mine on a Sat. morning. Alun.
  3. 7000 LD ........loads about.......hence
  4. I think the 7000 NLD is a much more useful reel in these days of braid. You won't find these for
  5. So Mike.........were the tips productive??? I had to leave before the best bit of the tide in that spot. Don't put the triggers in the frezzer.........enjoy them at their best.....1 to 3 days old, filleted and skinned....turned in sizzling butter with little else!! Bon appettit!! A.
  6. Brilliant !!! Brilliant !!! You guys certainly know how to have a good time! If ever you're looking for someone to join you........please PM here! Alun.
  7. Having read these posts, I'm glad I am 'Unbraked' and 'Sealed' !! I run \ push mine in well over the axle and never touch anything save a squirt with the hose on return........... no maintenance, no trouble ,,,,,,,,for years.......of frequent use!! Alun.
  8. alun j.


    Hi Lee, I fish out of Christchurch all year.......but Feb \ March can be very slow with little but dogfish on offer on inshore marks.........BUT..... the run of mild winters may herald a change as we are getting more 'unusuals' turning up all the time. The Run \ Bar seems to change every year; whilst the red and green buoys are lifted, the commercial boats leave 3 or 4 [yellow] buoys to mark the best route. Often the whole area goes flat and featureless with no apparent route, but, over the last couple of years, a big bank has formed at the end of the Run; this turns the river 90 right and keeping a deeper 'channel' of sorts straight out to sea. I wonder how long it holds???........possibly until a surge of river floodwater combines with a storm??? Because of the short days and rougher weather, winter fishing is often a non-starter from Christchurch; Poole has some advantages for fishing [but not for lauching a trailed boat like mine] and Lymington is often a more rewarding area with a good slip. Welcome to the best club going! Alun.
  9. Hi Rob, Good to see you enjoying these superb conditions; great pics., I like the last two. At first I thought it was one pic. taken at the surface.....looking above and below! I've got a waterproof Pentax Optio.....but have been brave enough to stick it under the sea yet! But then what would I 'snap'.......tiddlers going back?? Alun.
  10. Well done!!..........a reward for that massive effort. Makes our bass look like baitfish! Alun.
  11. Cheers Martin, I'll be looking forward and keeping fingers crossed for good weather to hold. Alun.
  12. Hi Martin, I'd be more than happy to join you on AWOL. .........and hopefully repeat success of two years ago!! Alun.
  13. What a nice day!!!.........shorts and T-shirt still all that's needed! Snatched a few hours between my 'nursing duties' and slipped out mid-mornng from Mudeford. Absolute flat calm.........water temp. 15.5C......and loads of fishy action on the surface Pleasantly surprised to find plenty of mackerel still about......these are now stuffing themselves with fry..........and even caught a sizeable bass on feathers whilst bagging up for bait. Tried inshore.........in my vain attempt to get amongst the triggers........but only found tiddly bream [ it still is summer in the bay!]. Moved out to the sand banks of X-ray area [ to get a few doggies for tomorrow's club event] ; found the inevitable but also latched into somethings much more feisty .........first was a smoothhound[starry and small]......next was thorny and much bigger [8 lbs. is not big, but a good size for the table!!two nice wings for later in the week] Quick chat with Paul on Neo [who also seemed to be enjoying the day] before a quick dash home at 2. Smooth 22knts back into the Run and not even a bump over the Ledge. BBQ'd mackeral for supper............Summer's last fling...these next few days?? Alun.
  14. Looks like a calm day tomorrow.......hoping to get out and catch a few fish for Thurs' meeting on 'Fish prep.' With domestic 'situation'......... looks like going out mid-morning from Mudeford, back mid-afternoon. Spare seat on Gastronaught if anyone would like to join me. Alun.
  15. Hi Al, It was me that came and said 'Hello', just about 12.30, on our way back in. We didn't fare as well as you, though some of the boats around us did have a few sole. Soon after we started, about 12 or 13 boats [mostly from Lymington end] all homed in on a patch 50 - 100 m from us. Sport for us was slow and all fish on the small side, gurnard, whiting, bream, bass, dab and then a flurry of pout..........none of the target sole. Disappointing, as I've had consistent success in past years when the conditions were as good as last night. Tried a bit of exploring a bit further to the west; on finding a bit of bottom with some 'features', dicovered this was snaggy ground and lost a few sets of gear. Will definitely have another go before it gets cold. Alun.
  16. Have a good trip Paul......hope you enjoy the rest of the day......and have a more successful time than we did last night. Many Happy Returns, Alun. PS Any nice pressies??
  17. alun j.

    Abu 6500c3

    Yes, Agree with Steve.........I 've got braid that's been on for ages and seems unaffected other than the colour fades. I chop off the first few metres [that gets all the wear] if \ when it shows some scuffing...........and then reverse after [ several] years. You also see how the backing [mono] gets squashed when you take off the braid... and it may need emptying and relaying??? Alun.
  18. Yes! I just spotted that on 21st. Back to the Ray\Flattie comp., wouldn't 6th or 7th. be better with the smaller tide?? 14th is a Spring. Alun.
  19. Paul, Do want to canvas opinion? I don't mind either ..........but tide is a bit smaller on Sat. Alun.
  20. How about Sat. 6th.? Tide is a bit smaller than Sun 7th. and gives option of Sun if wind gets up. End of Oct. has tiny tides around 21st. ........ but gales are common at this time!! Alun.
  21. Jack.......... Just get another 'fridge.......there are loads going for free; great for keeping bait, smelly things [like ripe cheeses] and a few spare beers! .....and in my case......a week's supply of fresh [but possibly dripping] caught fish!! Alun.
  22. alun j.


    Looks calm at the beginning of next week....... ......if a bit chilly!
  23. No Mike!.........it's the background colour that's the big difference!
  24. P aul, Windguru ............looks pants for Sun.
  25. then you mean the Adamant Shoal ?
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