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Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. Bob F


    There is also: Dive Wight and Hampshire - ISBN 0-946020-15-9 and Inshore Along the Dorset Coast - ISBN 1-871680-26-3 BF
  2. Haddock have the thumb print, also. Just above the pectoral fins.
  3. Bob F


    Another little snippet which is useful to remember, the third digit represents about 2 meters in the N-S coordintates, and 1 meter in the E-W coordintates. So, for example, the difference between 50 34 001N and 50 34 003N is 4 meters. And the difference between 01 56 590W and 01 56 599W is 9 meters. This can be useful when calculating roughly how far you need to drop your anchor from a wreck (i.e. at least 3 times the depth of water you are in, plus the drop back of the fishing lines). BF
  4. Spot on report.
  5. I'm personnally in favour of bringing kayak fishing into the comps. I think it brings a refreshing dimension to the fishing, and can only add to the safety of the kayakers if there are also club members in boats who can assist if help is needed. It surely must be safer for kayakers to be in a comp with other "proper" boats than fishing their own comps. Kayaking is one of the fastest growing sustained sports in the country. Lets embrace it and help it move forward. BF
  6. Bob F

    Alternator charging

    Bloody cheek! I resemble that remark!!
  7. Bob F

    Alternator charging

    Hi Dave AJW Electrics in Wimborne will be able to repair the alternator for you. The guy who runs it is called Soss. You might get some discount if you tell them you are a mate of Bob Fuller's. cheers BF
  8. Well done, Colin. The wait will be agony but well worth it. Will this be the first cat in the club??? BF
  9. Starting to become my favourite reports, too.
  10. A really nice report with pictures and videos. Brilliant stuff. BF
  11. Well it looks like I got sloppy seconds again with my 8.5lber...forever the bridesmaid. Weldone to John. He deserved it. Twas a cracking day out with Alun again, this time on JV. Travelling out was a bit slow pushing against a 3 knt tide, and when we arrived at the mark we initially struggled for bait, but then a shoal showed up on the sounder and Alun managed to sneak out two small scad, which were a perfect size for bassing, but we'd never used scad for bassing before. So, with no other mackerel in the tank we tried the scad. First run I got thumped by a nice little 3.5 lber, and second run Alun got hit by a bigger fish which eventually hit the scales at 7.5lb. Nothing wrong with scad baits then!! The mackerel then started to appear and we soon had enough in the bait tank for the rest of the day. As the flood tide slowed we had a couple of pack tope, and then anchored up up at slack tide to await the ebb tide. On the ebb the water was noticeable clearer and we were soon back into the bass as the tide pushed past 1.5 knts. A few more bass came on board, and then nearer the end of the day I got a wonderful hit and could feel the weight of a nice fish. A good fight ensued and I knew this was likely to be a PB bass for me. Sure enough, once it was in the net we could see it was going to be ~8-9lb, and actually tugged the scales down to spot on 8.5lb, which beat my previous best 7.5lb Then came the dilema...keep or release? I already had a couple a nice eating fish in the pot and so decided to release the fish. The hook was deep down, so we snipped it off to prevent any damage and placed her in the net to try to see if she would go back. After about 10 mins of gentle coaxing she barely seemed ready to go, but we gave her a chance and realeased her. She dived about 10 feet but later surfaced. So, out with the net again and a short sprint across the water to pick her up and put her in the fish box. Little Rob would enjoy seeing the size of the fish, and it will certainly be welcome on the plate. On the way back we got entertained by the Red Arrows and the Vulcan, and then battled our way through the armada that was pressing into Poole Harbour entrance. Busiest I've ever seen it. Thanks again to Alun for another splendid day afloat. I wouldn't have gone out if you hadn't of called. Too busy doing work stuff, which is a poor excuse. cheers BF
  12. Hi Craig, Yes, that would be great. Gives me even more incentive to come out on Sunday. (I might need to rephrase that before Jim jumps in... ) Noted Jim. I'll use my old laptop. Thanks. Thanks again, Craig. BF
  13. Hi Guys (& Girls), Does anyone have a small portable generator (petrol or diesel) they can lend me for a week? It just needs to be sufficient to power a laptop and LCD display. Thanks in advance. Bob
  14. I think it's time to start the photo caption contest again.
  15. Hey Mark!!! Great to hear from you. Missing you buddy. When are ya coming back? I need someone to buy a round. Say hello to Dot. We'll be over for Xmas dinner...and Snapper would sound good on the menu. Send me a PM with your address. I will Google Earth and see your house. Lucky blighter!!!!
  16. You can get them from Matt Sydenham at MES in Poole. MES LTD Poole Office Unit 2 Vitrage Technical Park Witney Rd Nuffield Industrial Estate TEL:01202666066 About
  17. Bob F


    It's gotta be one of my favourite-looking fish. Never caught one myself, and never seen one in the flesh. Envy, envy, envy!!
  18. Excellent catch. And all from a sit-on-top. That must've got the heart thumping as it came over the gunnels. Talk about "at close quarters!!!" Steve Irwin would've been in a panic. Nice one. Bob
  19. Oh I see...you wanted someone on board who could take a good video!
  20. I would've fished but some little s@ds bu@@ered off to Alderney and back with my boat. Just to make a 5 min video.
  21. Bob F

    New Kayak

    Any piccies of the new yak?
  22. Why oh why did I not go???? It brought a tear to my eye watching that video. Very proud of our boat. BF
  23. Thanks guys!! Golf this afternoon, and then chocolate cake for tea...yum, yum. Happy birthday to the rest of my Gemini colleagues. June 18th is also the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. Bob F
  24. For Sale - A one piece Fladen Floatation Suit - Colour Yellow/Blue. The size is SMALL Adult, but it's a big small. Used but in generally good nick. Used to be Little Rob's. He wants just
  25. Sold.
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