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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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  1. I'll be out with Clive Tyler. Dave M.
  2. 1st July is the best date for me. Dave.
  3. Clive Tyler is available to crew this Sunday 21/01/07. Contact him on 07770846278
  4. Yes please Bob. I'm still OK for crewing if that's alright with you. You'll be pleased to know I've had a bit more experience of netting conger since the last time we went out, so hopefully I won't lose any competition winning fish you bring to the side of the boat this time round. Dave M.
  5. Yes Duncan, I think we'll be lucky. I'll await your call if the weather improves. Thanks, Dave.
  6. I've just put a new topic on the Boat Buddies section regarding the flounder competion, not realising it was already being discussed here (my observation skills are sadly lacking). I'm available for crew over the weekend but would only have permission granted for one day. I'm not fussed which day. Duncan, if you need someone to go out with you on the Saturday, then I would be keen. I still haven't been out in search of Cod yet this winter. Dave Mayne Tel. 07714123758.
  7. Is anyone going out for the flounder competition this Sunday (weather permitting)? If so, I'm still without a boat and able to crew if needed. Dave Mayne. Tel. 07714123758.
  8. Is anyone going out for the flounder competition this Sunday (weather permitting)? If so, I'm still without a boat and able to crew if needed. Dave Mayne. Tel. 07714123758.
  9. Thanks for that guys. Dave Mayne.
  10. On reaching my mooring today, I opened the cabin door to find the entire cabin area 2-3 inches deep in water. Unable to confirm the exact source of the leak I've taken the boat out of the water today, a month before I really wanted to. Currently without a boat, I'm desperate to go fishing. I haven't been out since the flounder comp and I'm suffering from withdrawal symptons. Can anybody out there help? I'm available for crew all weekends in January except 22/01/05 & 23/01/05 and may be able to do a week day with a little advance warning. I'm obviously prepared to split costs and help out on board. I'm best contactable on mobile no.s 07860 383373 or 07714 123758. Dave Mayne.
  11. Anyone interested in a trip this Saturday 04/12/04 leaving Sanbanks Poole approx. 10:00 & returning about 16:00 give me a call on 07860 383373. Dave Mayne.
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