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About toma

  • Birthday 03/25/1957

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Pout catcher

Pout catcher (2/6)



  1. toma

    happy birthday

    Thanks fellaz, had a good day rounded off with a few beers, Wishing you all a happy Easter, have a good week end, stay safe if your out on the water
  2. toma


    Today saw us back out on the north sea,not much to report i'm afraid. The party today was. Steve,Norman,Lee,Keith.another lad whose name i did not get and me,Steve(another Steve) was the skipper of the day,Porky had a day off. We fished on the drift again We set away at 6am, got to our mark for about 6.30am,not very eventful, Lee was the first to get a fish,a small tommy cod. Not long after Lee had got the fish he complained about feeling ill. There was a noth westerly wind blowing and a swell of up to 2mtrs. Lee devided to have a sleep on deck. The wind did not let up, it was blowing us of the marks at a good speed. we drifted into 100+ feet of water in about 3/4 of an hour. We drifted over rough ground, then onto clear, nothing, one plaice was landed in about 2 hours, We did manage to get fish out tho, in total 17 fish were brought aboard. I had just the two fish out. Oh and one octopus was almost took onboard, Steve got a shock when it squirted water over him
  3. toma


    Today saw us back out on the north sea,not much to report i'm afraid. The party today was. Steve,Norman,Lee,Keith.another lad whose name i did not get and me,Steve(another Steve) was the skipper of the day,Porky had a day off. We fished on the drift again We set away at 6am, got to our mark for about 6.30am,not very eventful, Lee was the first to get a fish,a small tommy cod. Not long after Lee had got the fish he complained about feeling ill. There was a noth westerly wind blowing and a swell of up to 2mtrs. Lee devided to have a sleep on deck. The wind did not let up, it was blowing us of the marks at a good speed. we drifted into 100+ feet of water in about 3/4 of an hour. We did manage to get fish out tho, in total 17 fish were brought aboard. I had just the two fish out. In all not a very good days fishing, but as usual a great crowd and a good laugh with the lads.
  4. Some cracking fish there. a nice 13lb smoothie, well done Helen,
  5. What a great catch report JIMBOB, bet you will sleep well after that mate. A 9lb 12oz , i'll have some of that please
  6. Game on then Martin Should be fun LoL
  7. That sounded a great session, nothing better
  8. Thanks for that Martin. I was wanting to have a bash with one of my carp rods, 2.75TC. The way the tides are running now it would be fun. There was no pull at all last Sunday, but that was then I could still take my 12foot carp rod and my fixed spool reel loaded with 15lb ghostline that i use for pike
  9. Afishionado thanks for that, Thats fishing for you, it would be a sad world if we agree on everything mate It was a light 20lb class rod Martin
  10. A couple of week ago i decided to fish light. I used 15lb line on a sl20sh reel, beachcasting reel, would this be classed as fishing light. Is there a limit to the tackle allowed, line,reel,rod etc. Thanks in advance
  11. Good luck to all that enter
  12. Thanks Bob, the boat, no idea mate, its a mate of mine Its got a Lister engine if thats any good to you ???
  13. toma

    Hi all

    Thanks Bob I've been a members for a couple of days and i have had some great advice already
  14. Hello Helen, i'm new to the site, Pleased your back fishing
  15. Thanks for the advice lads. I did not do big pumps, LoL, (even tho i had a curry the night before ) As i said waist height to head height, and i also reeled down, not letting any slack line, but what is done is done, never mind always a next time
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