Am looking for one or two people to help me, initially on a self-employed, part time basis, one to three days a week. Job(s) will possibly become permanent if I can find the right people.
We catch and deliver Dorset shellfish and fish to London outlets. Job involves collecting ( in transit fridge vans) from our boats , driving to London and then either delivering to restaurants or selling to the public at busy farmers markets.The working day is generally 5am - 4 pm. Delivery days are currently Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday, and there is also some evening work on Mondays.
I'm looking for reliable enthusiastic people that are really interested in fish and are happy selling to the public. Clean driving license required and must be over 25 ( van insurance)
I will put successful applicants through fish retailing courses at Billingsgate and HSE for retail courses during the first weeks on the job.
If applicants, additional to delivery and selling duties,are interested in commercial rod and line fishing, i will sponsor them through the tickets required to
fish commercially, and offer share- fishing work on my boat.
Pay will be good for the right people and will reflect the somewhat unconventional hours.Business is growing rapidly and there will likely be further opportunities and job variety.
Please PM me if interested telling me a bit about youself if i dont already know you ( i was a club member until starting the business in 2008 at which point I left the club due to possible RSA/Commercial conflicts of interest)