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Cod Hauler (4/6)
Chesil beach is always worth a bash, abbotsbury is a short walk, loads of pout, whiting and doggies this time of year and some good size ones and always a chance of something bigger. Also dont need to cast far most people have one at 30yds and one as far as they can chuck. there is a link on the main apge to the local shore fisherman website which is usefull.
Depends on what you mean by best, seemed that any bait had a bite really quick, except sandeel which was least productive (so put that on as bait when wanted a brew!), first fish coming to ragworm with maccy tips (prob due to time of day rather than bait). Black Lug with squid tip prob produced the bigger ones and lasted longer in the water. Prob go with lug/peeler/squid next time to target. Was hoping to leave bait in water for longer for something bigger to come along but the whiting were destroying all the baits
Fished the Dragons Teeth on Chesil on Monday between 3pm-10pm (LW at 3, HW at 10pm) no bites until sunset, then constant action with almost a bite a cast, managed over 40 whiting between the two of us, most at 1lb-1 1/4lb some pushing 2lb. Baits, live peeler, black lug, ragworm, squid, sandeels, and maccy. Total tally was 40+ whiting, 1 pout, and 5 doggies. Alas no sole or Cod. Fantastic afternoon/sunset/night a gaziliion stars in the sky and some shooting stars
Date: November 16, 2005 Time: 13:45 CONSULTATION TO BOOST THE NUMBERS AND SIZE OF BASS Defra is consulting on proposals to increase the number of mature bass around the coast of England. The moves would help fishermen by raising the value of landings, and boost bass numbers by allowing more fish to spawn. The department is asking commercial and recreational fishermen, conservationists, and industry for their views on moves to increase the minimum landing size (MLS) of bass from 36cm to 45cm. The MLS would apply to bass caught by English fishing vessels wherever they may be, and other UK registered fishing vessels when in the English part of UK fishery limits. The consultation also includes restrictions on the carriage and sale of bass below 45cm and a complementary proposal to increase the mesh size in enmeshing nets targeting bass from 90mm to 105mm. Marine and Fisheries Minister Ben Bradshaw said: "I recognise the role of anglers in fisheries management and we need to take more account of their interests in managing stocks of importance to them. I hope that commercial fishermen will also support this measure as increasing the minimum landing size of bass can provide real benefits to both the recreational and commercial sectors." The deadline for responses is 8 February 2006 and the document is available from www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/bass-mls/index.htm <http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/bass-mls/index.htm>'>http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/bass-mls/index.htm> Notes to Editors 1. Copies of the consultation document can be found at www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/bass-mls/index.htm <http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/bass-mls/index.htm> or from Nicola Clarke Area 7E, 3 - 8, Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2HH, fax: 0207 270 8097, or email: bassmls@defra.gsi.gov.uk <mailto:bassmls@defra.gsi.gov.uk>. 2. This consultation stems from recommendations in Net Benefits to consider the evidence for the re-designation of bass as a sport fish. This recommendation is not being taken forward at this time; Defra is looking to increase the size and number of bass available to all fishermen. 3. The Bass Anglers' Sportfishing Society presented Defra with a Bass Management Plan, outlining how they wished to see bass stocks managed in the United Kingdom for the benefit of recreational fishermen. This plan proposed a range of measures including the introduction of a bass licence, carcass tags, bag limits for recreational anglers, a closed season, an increase in the MLS, enhanced bass nursery area protection, net restrictions within 1 mile of the coast and near shore netting restrictions. Public enquiries 08459 335577; Press notices are available on our website www.defra.gov.uk <http://www.defra.gov.uk> Defra's aim is sustainable development Nobel House 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR
The master and owners of a Brixham beam trawler have been convicted of multiple fishing offences. Norris Brothers (South West) Ltd, owners of 30 metre trawler The Centaur, and the vessel's master, Malcolm Sharpe, of Brixham, were found guilty on 14 counts of failing to fully record catches of fish and one count of illegally fishing inside the 12 mile limit. Mr Sharpe and the boat's mate Barry Stockton, also from Brixham, also pleaded guilty to obstructing naval officers during a routine fisheries inspection. Plymouth magistrates heard how officers from the Royal Navy fisheries patrol vessel HMS Lindisfarne were subjected to abuse after boarding The Centaur. Mr Sharpe and Mr Stockton were accused of trying to obstruct the officers after the Navy found an unofficial black log book, subsequently used as evidence of illegal fishing. Defra, prosecuting, maintained that the black book was a true record of the boat's catch, while official EC log sheets had been incorrectly completed to deceive the authorities. The owners and master were subsequently charged with 14 fisheries offences. Nick Wright, senior fisheries officer from Defra's Marine Fisheries Agency, said: "Boats that take more than their quota are cheating other fishermen. They reduce fish stocks and quota available to legitimate fishermen; diminish the value of legally landed fish by flooding the market with illegal stock; and reduce the number of mature fish, limiting a species' ability to reproduce. "Fisheries enforcement is a difficult and demanding job, designed to protect the interests of the fishing industry as a whole. "The Royal Navy and MFA Inspectors will not tolerate boats that cheat law-abiding fishermen, and our officers will not be intimidated while they carry out their vital work to protect the industry and England's fisheries." NOTES TO EDITORS: 1. This case was heard at Plymouth Magistrates Court 7-9 November 2005. 2. Fines and costs were set as follows: * Fines: Norris Brothers -
Does anyone know what the PHC launch fee charges are for boats using private/public slipways into Poole Harbour. size limits etc etc? Many thanks Colin
Took thu pm off went to b'mouth pier for maccy, none apart from a lonely scad, so down to boscombe pier where there were some (most coming under boat), had some bream and gurnard on the drift. Went out to southborne rough fished in 61ft of water, had loads of bream all small, some dogs and maccy. due to sea state Nick decided to head back before dark, on 4th fish biat drop had a nice run and managed to haul up a 11lb 4oz thornny, also had a 6lb smut on peeler crab, unfortunatley couldnt fish the best part of tide as came back.
Yes we ended up that way late in the afternoon, we tried to call you on the radio, your in the shetty with the orange coloured top?, found the maccy plentiful, it went so flat but nick was pretty tired by then so regrettably we couldnt give it a good fish, on teh way back about 1-2miles west is also an area of broken gorund is this southborne rough?, looked like some nice features. Charlie, my dad has brough home an extra fuel filter are these easy to install or shoudl we ask Kevin to do it during the next service?, its metal with a plastic bulb with a red float which tells you when to empty it?
Charlie, my dads friend has an arvor and same problem, he changed diesel filling tube and breather and not had problem since, also filling cap is inset so a proud one may help stop some of the probs. Nick is going to change filters more often in first instance.
took Pm of and headed to mitchells straight from work, where nick was ready to go, boat launched at 12:10 PB launching time of 10mins from leaving work! as pasisng sandbanks, engine splutters and lose power, then slow down. 1 1/2 hour later with most of teh fuel system taken apart, and primed, and numerous phoen calls to nicks marine engineer boat starts and then dies again, 2 hours later afetr having most of teh fuel system apart again, (god wish the primer had a big lever) still not ticking over, anyway to cut a long story short, a squirt of easy start into some chamber and shes going, a few more splutters and then shes ok ,although losing some power/revs at the top end. Problem, Probably water in the fuel system. Stil managed to go fishing and had some maccy, 1 smut, some bream, scad and doggies. lessons learnt 1- keep helpfull marine engineer who services engine number in phone. 2- check filters more frequently.
I am looking to rewaterproof my bib and brace and floatation suit (hoepfully squeeze another year out of it) all of the ones seem a bit pricy form oswlad bailey and camping shops TXnax wash I think, does anyone know hwre can get some cheaper re-waterproofer as otherwise costs
went out tue eve hoping for some good fish , only had dog after dog after dog. end of night had 1,000,000,00 doggies, 1 tope, 1 smoothound, 1 wrasse and a dozen bream, maybe the move onto neaps has moved the fish out from the patch?
we fished b'mouth pier and then bournemouth rocks hoping for an early trigger! then the outer patch and had maccy, doggies, pout, wrasse, smoothies, tope, bass, bream
Tue went out on 2nd high, off old harry bagging maccy, then out to whitehouse grounds for more moaccy waiting for tide to turn, managed some scad and a lovely 1lb 4 oz red gurnard on teh feathers. anchired up on a 70ft - 100ft bank, but pulled anchor twice, I had a really powerful take but missed it prob a strap or ray, as wind was picking up we moved inshore to off peverill point for some rays, fishing was slow with doggies, bream and maccy, nick managed a 7lb smut, but no rays. I had a spider and then after a smallish bite on a flapper tried to reel in and was almost a lock down, 10 mins after hauling up a bloody heavy dead weight with my 20-30lb sauveran pro-boat and 7000 abu and full stretch, just as gets near to surface lets go, so either a big stone or a jumbo spider/lobster...... I like to think the later.