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DogFish catcher

DogFish catcher (3/6)



  1. Done. When I worked for HMG I can remember Hezeltine standing up saying he was saving
  2. Mike Norman 2lb 8oz Richard Biggs 2lb 7oz
  3. Went out to Ballard a bit later than most but luckily got on to my usual spot and into Bream immediately. Mike had a few before I got going then I had one which led the boat weight for some time. All the bream were around the 2lb mark which was nice. Most went back but we kept four for the pan When it quietened down we went over to the Patch where I had heard of 3lbers being caught but all that happened was Mike hooking a Starry on his bream gear - went like a train For the record the best bream of the day were:- Mike Norman 2lb 8oz Richard Biggs 2lb 7oz There must be a rule somewhere that says crew can't better the captain : Cheers Richard
  4. I'll be out with Mike Norman as crew!
  5. Great to see the young lad with such a smile on his face - he will expect to be catching fish every time out so no problem there then The results form Janski II !!!!! Mike Norman :- 4 LSD , 1 Whiting. I make that 12 points Richard Biggs :- 4 LSD , 1 Whiting. Also 12 points We were both out-fished by the non-member - Mike's son Tony who accrued 24 points 4 LSd, 2 Pout, 1 Whiting.
  6. Janski II will be out with Mike Norman as my crew and possibly one non-member Cheers Richard
  7. Well done Alun. Nice to see there are some flatties in the harbour! It properly was the proximity of Jansky II that killed your second mark. We have been having a terrible spell lately. Something I am doing is scarring the fish off in and outside the harbour. It must come right someday but not even a bite to brag about on the comp Cheers Richard
  8. Both Mike and I have been given permission to fish! . If you see Janski II anywhere in the harbour I suggest you try elsewhere - I am never in the right place at the right time If anyone else is looking for a fishless day with no boat to go on I have room for one - give me a bell on 07871164377 if you fancy it Cheers, Richard.
  9. REB and MIke will be out 0n Janski II hopefully
  10. reb


    Thanks for that Martin Cheers, Rich
  11. reb


    It's that time of year again when Janski comes out to have her bottom washed ! Can anyone recommend the best antifouling to use as the last lot seems to have only lasted 6 months . That was Seago extra strength hard . I think I need the extra strength as I am told the ordinary stuff will rub off at anything over 15knts . If you know where in Poole I am likely to get the best deal I would be grasteful to know that too ! Cheers, Richard
  12. reb

    Tues 8 April

    Looks like a good day tomorrow and my usual crew not available (decorating) If any one or two of you are interested in a trip out from Sandbanks please contact me asap I expect to get off the mooring about 9:30 and return around 16:00 Just for info the boat is a Arvor 200 (21ft) moored at the old Davies yard on Sandbanks Cheers Richard
  13. reb

    mooring help

    Not all moorings in the harbour have to be vacated during the cod season! I have one down at Sandbanks and have remained in the water for the last 3 years. You should see the weed on her now!! I believe the new owners at Sandbanks Marina and Boatyard have moorings available. Just over
  14. reb

    The Island

    Well done Andy. Sounds like a good day all round. I was out Thursday and couldn't find anything other than dogs but then I don't really no where to look! Where is the car park - no numbers, just the general area (unless you are feeling realy generous!) Cheers Richard
  15. reb


    I would support option 3 with the hope that something can be done to make HMG realise that RSA is a vital part of the coastal economy Cheers, Richard.
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