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Everything posted by Camira

  1. Hi club Members, It is with regret that I have to put my boat up for sale due to a decline in my health. The boat is a 2005 model which has only been in the water for 3 weeks, the engine was used last season but has a full service history. The boat comes with all the usual QuickSilver extras which can be seen on any web site selling the 580 model. Added to this I will also include a spare battery (connected to the main system), a remote spot light, lifejackets, ropes. anchors and loads more. In addition to the above I am also offering with the sale of the boat a full years walk on walk off mooring at Cobbs Quay (2000pound) paid in advance. This is a very reluctant sale but necssary. The boat has many pictures posted on this web site. If intrested please phone on 01202 670294, Please I don't have the time for time wasters. PRICE 16,500 POUND Thanks
  2. I've just received an email from Alan who is one of the sales guys at Oceanique. They are situated in Cobbs Quay. Really just for info in case anyone is looking, This is what has been sent to me. OCEANIQUE and ANCASTA POOLE New Boat Show: 20th - 22nd May 2005 - Cobbs Quay, Poole Oceanique are dealers for Gobbi, Regal, Ebbtide, Quicksilver and Kral Boats and will be displaying a wide selection of new boats from the ranges at this show. You can see the show buildup via the OCEANIQUE CAM Also onsite are over a hundred used boats for sale avaiable for veiwing throughout the 3 days. For more details please CLICK HERE and for directions on how to find us CLICK HERE We look forward to seeing you, sharing a complimentary drink with you while we show you over the latest additions to the ranges. Regards
  3. Camira

    Anchor Recovery ?

    Thanks Chaps, PM is on it's way, and will also try other suggested sites. Great being a club member. Tony
  4. Camira

    Anchor Recovery ?

    Having just looked through the June issue of BFM I noticed an article on Anchor Recovery. Whilst I do understand that many boat owners use the 'Alderney Ring' method of Recovering their anchor I notice that if-fact there is an addition to just using the ring. I have been quoted nearly
  5. Thanks Martin Got the email Tony
  6. I've been chatting to a few friends (Boat Owners) who are intrested in joining the club, problem is they don't have access to a computer (or don't want access). Can anyone advise where on the site we keep the information/introduction pack so that I can download and print off for them? Thanks Tony (Camira)
  7. Tight lines to all taking part, I've been out over the last few days and there are plenty of bream being caught and I've even landed a couple of decent Bass. Good luck to all
  8. Having never partisipated in a club meeting before is it okay to just take part in the event @ weymouth. Do I need to ask if my boat can take part? and are there boats that will motor from Poole Quay to Weymouth in order to take part. Be greatful for some advise. Thanks Tony (Camira)
  9. Mark, would you mind if I tag along (With a crew member) . Camira ain't been out since she was fixed and as they are similar boats it would give me a good idea on how best to handle her? Where will you be lauching from etc? Tony H (Camira)
  10. Camira

    Quicksilver Boat

    Hope ou are correct Bob, I did notice some pulling to the left but just thought 'that's another thing in my life that pulls to the left' Will be taken her out this afternoon for a run so will let ou know if there is any real change. All in all, still think she's a nice boat. Tony
  11. Camira

    Quicksilver Boat

    To be honest I'm not actually sure where the Ballast is, I guess it's in the front of the boat but not sure. My boat has no trailer, currently it's on a walk on walk off mooring on Poole Quay, I'm due to move it to a swing mooring at the end of March. Had a call from Allan at Oceanque this mooring, they have just fitted a new part to the steering as well. Again not sure what but apparently it will improve the boats handling.? Let us know when you are on the water an we will arrange to meet up. Tony
  12. Camira

    Quicksilver Boat

    Yeah the very same guy? Seems like a nice guy, although do ask him about Ballast for the boat. I only found out a couple of weeks agothat they forgot to put ballast in the boat before it left the factory. Butt in fairness they did sort it as soon as they found out there was a problem. My Boat is currently on Dolphin Marine if you want to take a look. If you do go ahead with the purchase of the boat, let us know and we can motor out together some time weather permitting.
  13. Camira

    Quicksilver Boat

    I am the proud owner of a Quicksilver 580 and what a nice boat she is. Brought her new about 4 months ago, haven't had the chance to really test her but up to now she handles well, has loads of room and the Nav kit that came with the boat she is a nice package. If I can help you out with anything, happy to take you out so you get to see one work, then just PM me. Good Fishing Tony
  14. Thanks lads for all your help and advise, Can't wait for the weater to settle so that I may be able to take you up on your kind offers. Look forward to seeing you at the next monthly meeting. Tony (Camira)
  15. This boat has now been sold.
  16. Hi Guys, New member here who has recently 'somehow' managed to convince the wife that a new boat is the best way to spend some recenlty acquired funds. Very much looking forward to attending the new club meeting. My real problem is, I now have the boat (Quicksilver 580) the rods, tackle and bits but to be honest am a complete novice at how best to put this all togerther and catch some fish to prove to the wife that the investment was indeed worth it. (although I now doubt that will ever happen). Can any member help in suggesting a good book, reference guide that basically cover's all aspects of sea/boat fishing particulary in the English Channel (No point in learning how to catch in the Med - boat won't go that far). I do appreciate that fishing Marks are often a fishermans best kept secret, but I'm really looking for a more general explanation of what rigs, baits techniques to use for certain fish, time of dat, tide etc. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Tony (Camira) Pic of new boat attached (I hope)
  17. I have just recently put my boat up for sale as I have recently purchased a bigger boat. Danny Boy and provided many days of fun fishing and family days out. Curently the boat is out of the water and can be viewed by arrangement. 500Details of the boat: Shetland Alaska Year 1989 Serial Number 388. Colour - See Pic attached Engine - Evenrude 40Hp EPLO, has a full service history (althogh not yet serviced for 2004/5) Full set of covers (New in 1999) NewSteering Cable (Last Year) New Prop (Last Year) run's well and in my experience has been very reliable. Trainler - Snipe Gav trainler again serviced only 2 years ago. Electric's - Boat comes with Fish/depth Finder, H/Held GPS and VHF Radio, Compass, Nav Lights (Tested but not fully wired to main box) Extra's - 4 x S/Steel Rod Holders, 3 Fuel Tanks, Battery, Ladders, Anchor and Ropes. GRP Tender is available for a few beers. The boat has been completed overhalled by an engerneer at Cobbs, fully antifouled and in his opnion a great little boat. I've used the boat for fishing and have taken her from X/Church to Weymouth (weather permitting). The Boat and Engine are the original package. I have a complete folder of all work/service undertaken and parts purchased by myself and other owners. The asking price is
  18. Appreciate it's a little late to ask the question, but this will be my first attempt at fishing for cod, and to be honest not sure where any marks are? Any boats going on the Cod Comp on 30th mind if I follow (within distance of course) just to get me somewhere near the right spot? If not then can someone advise approx distance and direction out of Poole Harbout. Thanks and looking forward to joining the club and meeting you all in the near year. Tony H
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