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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well after months of discussion between the crew and on the forums, a pub planning meeting and dozens of weather checks at last it was time to go.


Boat in on Thursday to load the kit, bedding etc and then all the drama about a stern drive seal leaking oil just added to the pre trip excitement.


Day 1

No need for the alarm I was up early, empty the fridge into the coolers and of we go to meet Gordon and Will

The boys had everything [4 Trollies were needed] loads of tackle and enough food to keep us all very well fed all trip biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


This was all stored away and we set off at 0629 biggrin.gif

off to the shipping lanes at about 16-18 knots


about two hours later, we stop to check numbers and try a spot of feathering, the wreck showed but the macs didnt.


Off to the wreck we had considered anchoring, but with ships coming thick and fast plan changed to drifting, It fished well and did not take long for Sam to have the first fish of the trip a medium size pollack rapidly followed by many more to about 10lb. some went back but most would not.


In growing winds we set off for plan B, check a few numbers on route to Aldeney.

2 out of 2 were where they should be but by now the drift [wind with tide] was fast so no fish.

Onwards to the island.


Damn a caution warning weep.gif , fine at low revs. but as the weather got better and revs could be increased it sounded again. Not what we wanted, so I waited for a ship to pass then changed the primary fuel filter. that sorted it laugh.gifbiggrin.gif


20 miles or so later we arrived in a well known tope area to find Joint venture and Sweet Chariot and I think Yelo trying thier luck on the drift. I decided to anchor on last years mark.

We had a hectic session with about a dozen to 28lb, later to hear of Aluns great 47 lb fish taken in the next bay.


Time to head ashore, to see the rest of the boats in Braye and join the crews in the Maris Hall for a birthday beer or several. after the crew dressing the boat with baloons earlier I had another surprise, a decorated cake with candles and Alderney 2009 shirts for all. Thanks Will and Gordon a very nice thought, much appreciated biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Day two

It dawned bright and not too windy so its off to the shoale bank, via the very interesting wave sets at the bottom of the swinge, washing the boat with salt water was not in the plan. sad.gif

Once through the swinge the weather was great for a sprint to the bank, and from the first drift it went well, Launce and the odd mackeral were followed by turbot and Brill.

We had a good day trying a few areas, and avoiding some longlines down the edge of the bank.

Our tally was 10. 7 Turbot and 3 Brill [with Sam leading the way with two turbot and a Brill, later he admitted that he had been reading up on websites about this type of fishing while on leave because he did not get one last year ]at 1500 we decided not to dissapoint Gordon and take him for a second crack at the tope


Even though we only had a few mackeral we had fine sport with plenty of lively fish to 32 lb,

Gordon had one that fought like hell, run after run and we thought Alun had competition but when landed it was only an avrage fish of 24lb. It fought well above its weight that one, something had pissed it off..


Finally it as time to head for Braye, Moorings were harder to find, eventually we found one, we took a picture of all the fish, they were still alive in the bait tank, slipped 3 back into the harbour to swim off after the two released earlier. [50% returned]

after a hunt for a mooring the wonderful fillet steak supplied and cooked by Will and washed down with beer cider or wine soon seemed to cheer us up again, before a shower and meet up with most of the others in the moorings.


Day three,

we knew we needed fuel after lunch so decided to try the South banks, again bait was available but apart from a solitary bass [My first in Alderny on Alfresco] it was quiet. after a couple of hours we opted to try for the bigger but more scarce fish on the SW bank.

Just two turbot today first again to Sam [returned] and then thankfuly one for Will [we all had one now, just what I had hoped for on this trip] before heading off to the inner harbour


Joint Venture was already at the pumps and Wight Magic close behind but it did not take that long to add 360 ltrs a bit of fresh water and be ready again.

All three boats headed to the tope spot, sods law this time we had loads of bait but the tope did not show up, even handful after handful of will's groundbait mix failed to get them going.

Oh well back to the pub, only to find that we were too slow to be fed at the bottom of the island and had to "borrow the car" to get back in time to eat at the Maris Hall, then back to the moorings for beers.



Last day

Good early forecast getting up later

Planned to leave 0700, delayed a bit waiting for transport for crew and bags, then a call from Paul D, that my new rod was still in the shop sad.gif . about turn and in to meet Paul on the water Taxi for a batten handover of a nice new bit of tackle

[Thanks Mark and Paul biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif ] By the look of the water Taxi Mark had been busy in the Shop. wink.gif


20 miles to the first wreck and we were on straight away, loads of pollack to about 10lb, at about 3 a drift. I even managed two on one drift, not bad in 65 meters of water.

Noon saw us underway again stopping again 10 miles later but this one although showing fish was grabbing tackle to give up only the odd fish.

Will put lunch on and we set off the the Rips, only stopping for a drift with no lines in the water as we ate a Curry lunch.


After lunch was finished off we go again, but with increasng wind and reported slow fishng legs rips and others we decided just to get home, Yelo and sweet chariot just in sight in front and JV and Wight Magic just astern.

The trip home seemed to go on a bit, but eventually we passed Old Harry and into the swash for one more photo oportunity. JV and WM passing the ferry inbound.


As we approached JV the speed increased, I am sure the plan was to race off, but after over two hours of boredom I thought I woud play along. and sorry guys we did you [Just] 5 up, tons of kit, Ice and fish just about 30 knots WOT. laugh.giftongue.gif



That ended a great trip.

It was absolutly magic to go back again. Especially with both Dan and Sam which is getting rarer now and taking Will and Gordon for there first trip to Alderney.

The company and willingness to help with all aspects of the trip , and its planning and preperations were top class, as was Wills cooking biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


The whole trip was a success for all

Made even better by the fact that so many boats managed to make the trip, many for the first time and apart from the odd glitch all went well,

we all caught fish ,had fun and arrived home tired but well.


Thanks for coming guys on whichever boat you used

sorry for the long report but I hope that it gives others a feel for what we did.


Maybe we can do it all again in May 2010 [Or sooner?]

Pictures to follow


Charlie biggrin.gif


Nice report Charlie.


As you say one of the best things for me was the way the club atmosphere came through. Boats buddied up without hastle, everyone stayed in touch on the VHF and kept an eye on each others back.


To take 9 small boats over the channel, have good fishing and all get back in one peice without any dramas is a big feat.


Look forward to the photos.


sorry for the long report but I hope that it gives others a feel for what we did.


Spot on Charlie your report gives a great insite to the trip well done to you all wink.gif




Thanks for a great trip Charlie, I really enjoyed my first to Alderney, the team photo is now my PC wallpaper biggrin.gif


Some tough fishing but those couple of fighting tope I landed will stay with me for a while. I will certainly be targeting them locally this year.


The food was suberb Will and I bet we ate better than most when they were ashore, I bet I put on half a stone.


Thanks again to all the Alfresco crew for the great banter and company and appologies for the sulking when everyone was catching except me weep.gif








' Sulking' ???? Gordon seemed in right good spirits whenever I saw him!


......... and he was always first upin the mornings at B. & B. ....... keen[??].




Yes dead keen once I got a sniff off those tope. smile.gif



Just the botom lip was going when you loose all your gear just as everyone elses rod is bending over.........Manic moore! sad.gif



And always ready for more biggrin.gif



I'm now looking for a keen Tope fisherman to take me to a decent local hot spot (blind folded of course) for some Dorset action


A Big thank you to Charlie for all the planning and sleepless nights for such a successful trip.

Also thanks to all other members in the making of the trip.

I soon realised I was not going to catch as many as The Chapmans , when they started to shackled me to the Galley every 4 hours . However it was easy to please my victims ! It was like Tope, on a feeding frenzy ! Gordon devoured everything that looked edible followed by Charlie ( who I managed to fill him up ) Sam and Dan.

There was great banter on board which made the trip a joy to be on.

Thanks to Mark @Alderney Angling for time and advice and to Fe who looked after our needs.




Twas only a blip.


He was as keen on day 4 as he was a week ago.


Fouled the wreck and snapped off, when all 4 other rods were bending to pollack.


When I suggested it would make a nice picture I nearly had a mutiny LOL.


Nice pic though wink.gif





Thanks Will

It was a pleasure having you onboard mate [and not just for the cooking]


Pic shows the crew on a feeding frenzy, fresh lasagne and salad.

This one beat me, even I could not finish the seconds laugh.giflaugh.gif




At the end of the second day, we pulled the flatties from the bait tank for a photo.


then the three smallest were returned.


overall we caught 12 and kept 6


Charlie biggrin.gif



It started as a joke Dan


Matching sunglasses, [Thanks Neal] baloons on the radar arch and helmets


But Sam and Gordon thought they brought them luck so kept them on.


Charlie biggrin.gif

you'll have to be at the meeting tonight to hear the jokes about their red helmets ph34r.gif



I heard they were supposed to be purple....?



Sorry I can't make the meeting chaps I would have loved to have been told all about Alderney... AGAIN!




Barstewards! wink.gif

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