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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

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  1. Past hour
  2. Vessel Finder app will show you who is where......if, they have an AIS beacon. Smaller boats tend to have beacons, if you have a receiver too, often your plotter will overlay the data of boats on your chart. You can tap the vessel and get speed and direction. R
  3. Today
  4. Automatic Identification System. Basically it is the Radar identifying a vessel's name, so when you are in dense fog it can identify what the vessel is called on your radar system. Therefore, allowing you to avoid it and also giving you information on the name of the vessel. I believe that is correct??
  5. Excuse my ignorance but what is AIS?
  6. Red letter day Jerry Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Cracking fish there Jerry & crew. Well done!
  8. A gentle reminder of the Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday Evening, 1st April please come and support the AGM and our club members being presented with the club trophy's. All members and guests are more than welcome.
  9. Yesterday
  10. Which I don't! Good idea, hadn't thought of that. Terry.
  11. Running AIS on mobile or tablet would be good in these situations if you don't have receiver / transponder. R
  12. It WAS the Pelican. I wouldn't have thought something that big could sneak up on you! Terry.
  13. I think we saw them, we stopped briefly by the Castle and they passed us going in, they returned to the Lifeboat academy. Terry.
  14. Hi Terry, I suspect that was the Pelican on her way back out to Spain, came in yesterday morning. It was a pea soup afternoon for sure, drifted up to the pier until you could almost touch it before you could see it. Well done Jerry and co some great fish for the day. 👍
  15. Top day, well done skipper!
  16. A stunning trip, lucky crew. I had a similar trip back to Cobb's from Southbourne but without the advantage of radar or experienced crew, that was fun but no big dramas fortunately. Whilst going down the small boats channel, I suddenly spotted the biggest blue ship I've seen in Poole on my starboard side in the main channel, probably about 40 yards away. I hadn't spotted it at all until that point despite two pairs of eyes keeping watch. Scary! Terry.
  17. Think we might have been that small boat. We also saw an orange rib with men wearing yellow hats racing around in the swash. Well done on a successful trip.
  18. lovely report of a brilliant day afloat, well done all
  19. Having seen lots of reports of some decent Pollock being caught, yesterdays weather window and tide to good to miss. 7.30 bridge and a lovely calm sea and a good run just over two hours at 23knots bought us to our first wreck. Two shooting friends and Dogfish Dave on board, the two friends were new to wrecking so i had tied up lots of rigs!!!! First drift an 8lbs Pollock for Baz, his first ever Pollock so over the moon and a good Red Gurnard to Dave and a fat Pout for Piggy. The sun came out and it was glorious, nearly 200ft with a maximium 3 knot drift all the ducks were in a row! A reasonably steady flow of fish throughout the day with some smaller ones managing to be put back. I christened a new SPJ outfit with first a PB 15lbs Pollock, then a 19lbs Pollock then an 18lbs fish!!!! All the fish gods were smiling on me that day for sure. With 3 Pollock each i decided we should head for home for the 4.30 bridge, after 10 minutes we hit a VERY thick fog bank, about 50m viz, radar on 3 other very experienced Yachtmaster crew on board helped one watching the radar, and two on watch was good for confidence, encountered one small boat off Durleston on the radar then one total ejit in the Swash doing 20knots with no radar echo on a rib!!!! Luckily we made the bridge with time to spare, none of us had seen fog in the forecast. Really red letter day for me and a great all round craic.
  20. Last week
  21. So shiny you can see yourself in her! (I spent a few hours helping out on Kodiak, no, I'm not offering to do anymore!):
  22. Bream Comp 10-11th May Juniors included! So the 2025 Bream Competition is also for any juniors, members or not. They must fish on a club members boat with a club member. First Prize; Largest Bream recorded, A rod and reel combo Second Prize; Family Membership to the club 2026 Each junior entering will receive a fishing goody bag at the June meeting, and prizes above.
  23. Earlier
  24. Bugger
  25. A couple of months too late. One of mine broke , so replaced both and tossed the ok one !,
  26. your getting soft Rob! I always use a plank, but then thats probably why i suffer with "farmers"!!!!!
  27. Has anybody got an old boat seat, folding type? Will pay or swap for venison, as it's for my highseat.... Photo of the type of thing I'm thinking. Cheers, Rob
  28. Well done Martin ,so what did you decide on ?
  29. Go get them Terry
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