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Don't forget the clubs first meeting of 2025 on Tuesday the 4th February ×

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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hi Martin ,All above good advice, I have three Lowrance machines. A 9 t I 2. Now obsolete A f s 9 I am very pleased with and have just obtained the new eagle 9 live sight, suggest you check out videos , there is plenty on YouTube to study up, to get the best out of them you need to consider some good cards in them like platinum plus or equivalent, they come in around or just over £200 but if your buying new, lookout for deals, you can sometimes get them free in the deal so don't forget to ask. Also may be worth having a word with Ashley at seatronix, he is very knowledgeable and helpful, don't know where your boat is but he is near Poole and gets to mariners there regular. Hope this helps. Good luck, Colin.
  3. I'm wondering what an adult panto entails but not sure I really need to know 😆 14 hrs is probably beyond my endurance these days - half a day seems about my limit Well done on getting out - its cold at the moment!
  4. Thanks for the invite Chris. It was a day full of banter with the odd fish thrown in, it certainly blew away the cobwebs. Like you Mal at the end of the day I was totally wasted. Enjoyable day with great friends, that's why we do it.
  5. I have shared that experience recently too Chris. one day none stop catching, next time no fish for hours
  6. I went out again yesterday Mal and all fish had gone on holiday, flat calm, a lot warmer, plenty of fish on the sounders but nothing tempted to jump onto a hook. Never two days the same that’s why we do it. 🫣😂
  7. Must have felt a bit cold for you Mal, after your time abroad. But nice to be back at sea again.
  8. A vote for Charlie and Martin, I went for Lowrance which does everything I want it to and it was fitted by Karl with one or two other jobs, all professionally done. He's done several jobs for me, all very satisfactory. Terry.
  9. Slippery slope, Mal! It could end up with grammar and spelling checks on most posts and none of us want that. Although I could be tempted. 😉 Terry.
  10. Let loose the spell checkers, there must be a couple!! 🤣
  11. A belated report as it has taken me this long to recover, on Sunday after a Saturday visit to an adult panto, we ventured out on Kingfisher Martin, Mal and Chris. Certainly one of us rusty from lack of use, similar to a reel handle of mine. We had plans to go far off, however the weather and sea state put pay to that. We stopped short on 6mile banks as did a few others. With great expectations, a breakfast roll inside us from the cafe on the quay and wearing most of a cup of coffee, the first lines were over, we waited and waited. Then a rod bender, it fought like a cod, it couldn't be could it, no of course not it was a Conger. Followed by a few more and a few Whiting in between, a couple over 2 pounds. We had a grumpy commercial doing a ridiculously close drive by to his buoys for a net he had laid, later he must have taken some happy pills as he was waving like a close friend, funny bunch the commercials. We did not see much in his very long net. The weather was windier than forecast all day with one small lull, there was a few rogue waves amongst them that made me over balance at least once. We did try hard to find something other than above, with a few drop backs on anchor and a couple of moves, just not a lot out there it would seem. A good wash down and a visit to the bar for a quick Guinness and home, a fourteen hour day and a couple of Whiting for the table. Great day out, memories made with some great friends what more do you want out of life.😊
  12. 2nd vote for Karl he's very knowledgeable and a nice guy with it.
  13. I believe that the newer Lowrance units are very good. Or you could give Karl Betteridge of Better Connected a call for advice, his no is 07729 399433 If he does not answer, send him a message.
  14. Last week
  15. Yes it was friendly . . . . .until Jackie pointed her phone at it for the photo. She only just got this one before it flew off. 👍
  16. A winter visitor to our coastlines, often seen in small flocks and once located the bird is confident in it's camouflaging feathers and therefore easier to study or photograph.
  17. Certainly is Jim....a really rare sighting down south coast !!
  18. Yes Jim, My brother sent me a picture of it last week. He has been causing a lot of interest and good that he has stayed around for a while. Good spot.
  19. An eye for the Birds. Saw this pretty little thing down at Hamworthy park: We were told it's a Snow Bunting and been here since December the 30th.
  20. biggcol


    Hi Brian Thanks will message you to sort out pick up Cheers Colin
  21. Brian


    Hi Colin I've got one that I don't need, you're welcome to it.
  22. Brian


  23. biggcol


    Thanks for the reply’s I should have said duel feed engine flush muffs
  24. plaicemat


    Surely, you just need one of these https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-2-way-multi-tap-adaptor-1-2-1-/435PT?gclsrc=aw.ds&ds_rl=1249410&ds_rl=1241687&ds_rl=1245250&gad_source=1&ds_rl=1247848&ds_rl=1245250&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4rK8BhD7ARIsAFe5LXKw_PacAKVcLtEIky3hueGW6edvzlvfykJJ4Cb-LvV0w6rLJ6yOdQgaAmF9EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds a couple of short lengths of hose and another pair of muffs if this will be a regular thing. Terry.
  25. alun j.


    this is what I have.
  26. alun j.


    Ohhh...What do you mean 'twin hose' ?
  27. alun j.


    I do.
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