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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just got back from a lovely calm eveings fishing biggrin.gif ........at last!

Started of on the ledge after those triggers after seeing alun j's post, but no joy loads of small stuff but no triggers.

Then headed of to x-ray but couldnt catch any bait! ohmy.gif .I tryed all over the place from the shallow water on the ledge to 85ft 2 miles past where i wanted to fish mad.gif I tryed for 2 hours for 8 mackerl!.

so gave up and made do. managed a couple of good rays small eyes of 10lb 8oz and 10lb 12oz and a fair few species.If only it had been sunday sad.gif We had bream ,pout , pollock, garfish, mackrel, scad, dogs and rays.

Had a good close up of wiskey bravo, they came over and hovered above tara at 50ft to check we were ok.I didnt relise how big it is ,until its right above you! ph34r.gif , Then 10 minites later the offshore lifeboat from poole came along side to check us out also.Thats a monster of a boat too especialy when its right along side!!, they were following up a mayday, Its good to no they are out there .

Tight lines



Hi James,


Lovely day to get out .......... as I watched out of windows at work......jealous!


....... but I was out yesterday......... and was also scratching for mackeral....... and surprised as they were so abundant last Sat. out of Weymouth...... they came yesterday in 3's and 4's but huge gaps of nothing in between.


Perhaps this settled spell coming with give a few more chances to stock up with winter bait.


Well done on the rays....... the ones I got at Weymouth cooked up lovely on Mon. [ black butter sauce is the tops with poached ray wings ].




Whiskey Bravo and the Lifeboat were following up a broken mayday call from the xchurch / poole bay area - it was from a small fishing boat - hence the reason they probably came over to you - I'm surprised they didnt send a line down - the state of tara at the moment!!!! tongue.gif

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