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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Our world is run by a few rich sick ignorant barstewards that can see no further than the end of their wallets sick.gif



This reminds me of a prog I watched some years back about Easter Island. Apparently it once had a lush forest, but people needed firewood in the process of splitting large rock into smaller one which they then made into the famous statues, so trees were cut down one after the other until eventually all were gone. The prog maker then said:'When they cut down the last tree, they must had realised it was the last tree on the island yet they cut it down......'

So I guess human haven't evolved much over the centuaries.

Posted (edited)

Anyone been watching the program on swordfish/tuna long lining. I cant look at it anymore and sustain the safety of my tele!!!! if that is ''sustainable'' fishing my d**** a bloater. Derek. weep.gifweep.gifmad.gifmad.gif

Edited by codpiece
Posted (edited)

does anyone watch the ultimate fishing show on quest? that aussie guy was catching bluefin over 500lb, reckoned some were taking upto 20hrs to land, looked a hell of a fight until the fish died and was just dragged in. had some great underwater shots of the tuna too.

Edited by mike02380

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