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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Got an early start due to tide, the Christchurch Ledge was well choppy and with a rubbish tide for the bream.So I headed to the other Ledge close to Weymouth and tucked behind the cliffs and it was doggies R US so I got the uptider out and 15 minutes later this nice undulate of 15lb4oz,that was the highlight of the day at that point.Made my way home to Christchurch and had a quick look at the patch and to my joy a Dolphin showed and came within 6ft of the boat then went before I could get the camera out a first for me in this country.

Nige user posted image


Mike its not far really,Ive known people that have done more distance on wrecks for less return.But saying that I just love being on my boat,and with ME TRACTOR SEATS I don`t get beaten up at all.Been on boat today for 10 hours,before my back would have killed but tonight its fine


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