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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Dear All, I am looking to upgrade my boat and the choices are either a Seahog Seajeep or Trooper, the Seajeep is only a couple of years old while the Trooper is about 6 years old....the 'Jeep has a 40 Tohatsu (20 hrs), while the Trooper has a 50hp Force engine. There seems little difference between the two on paper.......now, any of you rabble any info' you can share on these two?? I will leave in your capable mitts for a reply, incidentally the boat will be used primarily inshore for now, but who knows in time...






I can't comment on the boats, but the engines yes........


Force is the renamed Chrysler brand and have very old technology, are thirsty, don't wear well, have a poor resale value and are generaly thought of as crap!


Tohatsu are primarily made for the (our) far east market and need to be bullet proof as there are not too many main dealers in the Mekong Delta. Not sophistixated as a Mercury but likely to last 20years or more.



Mad Mike



That helps, a few others i've talked to, with limited experience, have voiced the same opinion on Force....well similar in as much as crap equates to shit,f**+ing shit,etc.....it appears that the general idea is leave alone, so i'll take heed. Thanks for your views, appreciated.








I use to have a Hunter which is very similar to a Jeep.


I found it a great boat, I had an Evenrude 40hp on the back and it went well, up on the plane at about 12kts or 8kts when I had a set of dole fins on the outboard.


The only problem I found, which is the same for all semi-cathedral hulls, is when in a choppy sea going accross the troughs, the side hulls can dig in a bit and makes going straight a little more difficult. They also slam when wave hopping but you only need to slow down a bit. wink.gif


Like most boats when not on the plane they do use more fuel weep.gifweep.gif


I prefer the looks of the Jeep over the Trooper as well.


My thoughts





Hi Duncan,


Hi 4 peneth worth.....


The Trooper: I looked at this boat 2 years ago, when Crayside had it the 2nd time around (this is the 3rd in as many years!) and it gets a bit tattier each time! When I looked I was very green around the gills, and to me it looked the mutts nutts. However now on reflection I'm glad I didint get it. The engine is THE main consideration on any secondhand package - and the crappy 50hp Force is a pile. All of the comments above are correct, so as you said, take heed! The actual boats themselves are not too bad. For a 15 footer, they are massive as the cuddy is so close to the bow. As Coddy said - the catherdral hulls are renowned for slamming, noise at anchor and poor abilty in rough seas....in flat seas they are almost unbeatable, but how often do we fish in perfect conditions?


Cant really comment on the Jeep. From what i do know, they are not too dissimailar to the Trooper.


From someone who has owned 2 seconfhand packages and done the groundwork this is what I reccomend. ( Please ignore me if teaching to suck eggs!)


Go out on as many boats as possible. Are you local? We have all sorts in the club and all the guys will only be too willing to give you a ride. You cant tell unless you get out to sea and drive the things. Each boat has it's own characteristics and each individual has their own requirements, what suits me may not suit you.


I went for a Warrior. The hull design is perfect what what I need it for. It planes well when calm, but copes with crappy conditions as well as boats 5' bigger.


Dave Steele at Ainsdale boat Centre is a chap worth speaking to. Decide what you want, and roughly what spec / price. Give him a call and he'll usually source you soemthing pretty damn near...just ask Coddy!


Hope this helps! Anymore info - just ask!

Guest Guest_Duncan_Fisherman

Thanks again all, it's so damn hard trying to make a decision, but rest assured i've taken all your comments on board and they are all valid..this will only be my second boat so forgive me for squeezing as much info' from you as I can!..sucking eggs is exactly what i'm trying to do ! The mention of hull design, especially when at anchor, may have a bearing on what I choose so again thanks for the mention. The Seajeep, I thought, was perhaps going to be the one as the engine is very low hours,the boat as new, however perhaps I need a test run to confirm how she rides, in an ideal world it would need various sea states to try out in, not likely really so bit of a gamble to a degree. I'll go to bed later with plenty to think about biggrin.gif


Cheers all....


Hi Duncan


I run a web page about small fishing boats at http://fishing_boats.tripod.com/


I am always trying to add to it by getting reports from users/owners of the boats or the equipment. (come on some of you PBSBAC members send me some reports please)


Some of what is there may help you decide what you want.


I only upgraded my boat in February this year so I know what you are going through. A lot depends on your budget.


As Adam said David Steel at Ainsdale Boat Centre is a great guy and very helpful, in fact if you tell him what you want and your budget he will try to find the boat you want. Downside is he lives in the North West but of course the boat may be elsewhere.


Good luck in your search and if you need help just ask wink.gif




Guest Guest_Duncan_Fisherman

Thanks Coddy...on the damn web now browsing, (well....looking at what I can't afford) weep.gif , in answer to your question my budget is 5500 so perhaps not enough to get to Warrior land! but i'm still remaining optomistic about the 'Jeep, more than anything it's about the best I can afford for the budget i've got, bearing in mind the outfit is relatively new also....i'll attempt to get a run out in one to see how they shape up. I'll check that site out, thanks for that..


All the best,








If you're interested in a Warrior, then I would suggest also having a word with Paul at Warrior Boats.


They do get quite a lot of returning customers who are upgrading / updating their boats.


He may be able to put you in touch with somebody who has one coming up for sale, before it is actually advertised anywhere.





BTW. I've had a Warrior 150 for 6 years and I think it is excellent.


Right then........I took your advice guys, and carried on searching for what seemed at the time to be a quest for a hens tooth capped in gold, however a Warrior 165 has cropped up which I will be looking at perhaps the weekend, I will post again to let you know the outcome of my endeavours....incidentally I spoke to a chap who recently sold a Trooper and bought a Warrior and according to him the differences are night and day with regards to the overall ability of the boats when compared back to back as he had opportunity to do. Anyway I know I keep thanking you for your input but here goes............thanks again.




Duncan. wink.gif


Coddy, just so happens that's the one i'm going to have a look at, i've had some additional pic's sent from Youngs and there isn't a great deal that can't be put right....only stumbling block is the engine, I have spoken to the broker about it and he assures me all is well, just the boat that needs sorting, much of that is minor. I remain sceptical until I can view it in the flesh and hear the motor run up but it looks a possibility sad.gif . The most expensive repair may well be the p/carb windows but I can source material thru' work so no prob's there.




Glad you managed to find a possible 165!. Read my experinaces here : http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forum/index.php?sh...st=0entry7282

of second hand engines! - Dont want to put you off at all, just be careful - at the end of the day a new package is out of the question, so you pays your money you takes your chance.


Re. Polycarb windows: This is a bit of a problem on most of the smaller Warriors, they basically deteriorate over time - I now am looking to replace mine. You say you can get this stuff from work - please enlighten me?????


I would do my best to avoid buying anything with a Force engine.


When they were imported into the UK they had to bring in 2 to get 1 good one.


They are very thirsty and not well engineered.




Glad you managed to find a possible 165!. Read my experinaces here : http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forum/index.php?sh...st=0entry7282

of second hand engines! - Dont want to put you off at all, just be careful - at the end of the day a new package is out of the question, so you pays your money you takes your chance.


Re. Polycarb windows: This is a bit of a problem on most of the smaller Warriors, they basically deteriorate over time - I now am looking to replace mine. You say you can get this stuff from work - please enlighten me?????

The windows on my Warrior 150 (6 yrs old) are now totally shot and you have to drive it standing up, looking over the cuddy.


If there is a cheap source of replacement material, I would definitely be intereted.


I've not been boating long and i've had problems with both my second hand engines, on the one hand I keep telling myself to take the sensible option and plump for a less suitable boat,(but nearly new engine), while on the other I know the Warrior makes sense but it does have an old engine on it!!...pain in the ass!!!, if it did go bang I would well and truly be knackered...only option if I did get problems is another s/h unit!....the dilemma goes on...........


With regards to the polycarb sheets, they usually come in 8' x 4' sheets in various grades and thickness's, if you were to use your current 'windows' as patterns they would be easy to cut to shape and re-drill. Let me know the thickness of yours and i'll get a price, goes without saying that what it costs the company, it will cost you. Might be able to supply smaller sheets,...like I said get the thickness and let me know.


My mobile is 07967807117,





I've not been boating long and i've had problems with both my second hand engines, on the one hand I keep telling myself to take the sensible option and plump for a less suitable boat,(but nearly new engine), while on the other I know the Warrior makes sense but it does have an old engine on it!!...pain in the ass!!!, if it did go bang I would well and truly be knackered...only option if I did get problems is another s/h unit!....the dilemma goes on...........


With regards to the polycarb sheets, they usually come in 8' x 4' sheets in various grades and thickness's, if you were to use your current 'windows' as patterns they would be easy to cut to shape and re-drill. Let me know the thickness of yours and i'll get a price, goes without saying that what it costs the company, it will cost you. Might be able to supply smaller sheets,...like I said get the thickness and let me know.


My mobile is 07967807117,





I bought my Warrior new but couldn't afford a new engine at the time... Warrior found and fitted me a s/h Evinrude 50, which I ran for 3 yrs without any problems... I only replaced it because I found myself with a spare

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