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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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What a great weekend! One of the most enjoyable trips out on JV.... and with hardly a fish caught! 'How?' you may ask.... well Rach and I decided to have a short break away on the boat and join in with the Weymouth weekend excellently organised by Charlie.


The plan for us was simple - no rods (well maybe the odd sneaky one!) no fishing, just crusing and chillin'! cool.gif


Reub was at grandparents, the sun was shining and the cooler full of cold beer, wine and food and JV was full of fuel! Off we go!


First stop was round to Studland to meet up with a few non-club, non-fishing friends and also to drop into the Aquapalooja that Parkstone Bay Marina and Tom Bettle had organised - awesome is all I can say, just a shame it clashed with other plans.... around 30 boats all rafted together close in at Studland - lashings of beer, wine and soft drinks, jugs of Pimms, lovely food, a BBQ, games for the kids and a great atmosphere... very, very good! After a couple of cold Magners and a bite to eat we waved farewell and poked JV West...


.... Next stop was Chapman's Pool - Rach took us there and LOVED driving the boat - boy, this was already a great weekend and we had only been on the water 3 hours! Round at Chapmans Pool the sun shone brightly, we were well sheltered from the gentle breeze and as we approached you could easily have been in Maritius - the Purbecks towered above us with a shroud of mist above them and the water glistened a clear turquoise colour.... heaven - we had the Pool to ourselves, so in went the lunch pick... and that's when the dream of the tropics ended.... as we jumped in!!! ohmy.gifohmy.giftongue.gif was a tad cold!... but great fun!


After a sneaky fish and a bucket of fat mackerel to 'pay' the babysitters - we cleaned up and steamed West to Portland Marina to meet up with the rest.


In the marina at 6pm, and BOY! what a marina this is.... truely superb. The facilities at A1 - around 20 shower units and toilets, all in stone and frosted glass. A first class resturant, marina office and numerous shops.


We had a lovely meal in lovely company..... all I'll say is that the girls made us boys look VERY restrained on our Alderney trip! I'll never be able to look at some members in the same light again!! tongue.gifbiggrin.gif


After much merriment and wine we retired to the boats for a restful night in the sheltered marina tied alongside.


For Rach and I we needed to get back, so first away at 9.30am and for a change we had wind and tide on our side all the way back - sat at 20 knots we cruised in the morning Sun, and all too quickly were washing down back in the marina. 60 miles covered and 70L of fuel -


Nice one Adam.....What a weekend it has been.....I bet the Weymouth flotilla had a ball......Looking forward to the reports !!!


I didn't go that far.....just to Swanage ....but had a nice meal and a great day with friends .....no fishing involved !!!


Roll on "Family day" for more of the same.....


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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