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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having had a new windscreen fitted on Friday am we were a little later leaving than the rest of the pack. With the weather being perfect for travelling and others bait fishing we made good time so soon caught everyone else up.


We decided to go straight to the shambles and take our chances on the bait front. We soon got some bait although it was decidedly hard work with both mackerel and launce coming aboard sporadically. First proper drop and Dean was into a turbot of around 4lb. Then...........................nothing. We decided to try Portland race to try for bass. It was a tad lumpy in there and with just one small bass being caught for our efforts. Soon gave up and opted for a last drift on the bank but without any luck. A quick run into Portland harbour wash and brush up then walk into town? for a very nice curry.


Up on Saturday just in time to see Alfresco leave port to plunder those offshore wrecks. We along with most others decided to have a late start so after breakfast and a lot of fiddling about we left for another day on the banks. As there was enough bait left on ice from Friday we started fishing straight away. First drop and Dean is into a small Brill that was about sizable but went back to fight another day. Very slow today with Dean catching a gurnard and a couple of Weavers and that was it. Dean fished as hard as ever I have seen him fish but all to no avail and I blanked, not a blooming fish but still enjoyed the day. The evening gathering at


Thanks Martin


I am glad you had as good a time as we did


It was good to see so many boats all lined up at the edge of our area, and have such a good crack. as you say its not all about fishing


I was so tired last night, I nodded off in the second half of the cup final biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


Didn't miss much Charlie.....bit like ballerinas being chased around the pitch by lumberjacks.....Then a goal, when all the ballerinas kissed......game over !!!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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